My once in a lifetime person (4)

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140 parts.....
Short stories have come a long way and it's all thanks you to you guys.
Thank you for being so supportive and for all the love you people have showed.
Thank you so much guys.❤️💖

Kohli/Mehra's house:
The silence was loud as Pragya introduced the couple in front of them.
Aryan's shocked gaze shifted to Ranbir concernedly. The latter was too shocked and took time to digest the words that were just spoken.

Pallavi's happy voice broke his trance: "Please welcome. We are so glad that our families will get related."
The lady from the other side nodded happily and her husband and her took their seats.
Aryan, to Ranbir only: "Breathe, Bro..."
Ranbir, unbelievably: "Did you... did you hear what they said?"

Aryan looked at him sadly.
Ranbir: "Prachi's wedding... with their son?"
Aryan patted his shoulder comfortably but nothing worked. He was feeling bad and his heart pricked at the thought of her marriage.

Ranbir: "Chief took her to meet that boy... and she doesn't know anything. She will panicked over there, Aryan."
Aryan: "She will handle it... and Chief is there with her. She wouldn't have to deal with the boy alone."

Thinking that Abhi would be there relieved him a bit but he was still tensed.
Aryan: "Message her and see."
Ranbir informed him about Chief not letting her bring her phone.

He worriedly ran his fingers in his hair. He felt so helpless; he wanted to go there but he didn't even know where they went.

At the restaurant:
Yuvraj watched as Prachi played with her food worriedly. So, he decided to end all the tension and began speaking.
This made her look at him and he continued.
"From your expression and behaviour, I know that you don't want to marry me..."
She looked on nervously.
Yuvraj, continuing: "Don't worry, even I don't want to. I love someone else."
She relaxed hearing that while he nodded to confirm what he just said.

Yuvraj: "My parents don't want to get me married to her, so they planned this. I had already thought to tell you everything so that you could refuse but looks like even you are in the same dilemma."

She just nodded at him.
Yuvraj: "You love someone else?"
Prachi nodded once again and added: "But they are not aware of it."
Yuvraj: "Maybe it's time to tell them. I will sternly tell my parents and you inform them too. We can do it together."
She looked at him confused.

Yuvraj, elaborating: "My parents are at your house."
He watched as her eyes grew double their size.
He nodded yes.
Her thoughts immediately went to Ranbir and she knew that he will be extremely worried.
Prachi: "We need to go..."
Yuvraj, a little bit surprised: "What happened"

Prachi: "Your parents are at my house, they will talk about the wedding... and Ranbir... no, no."
Yuvraj: "Your boyfriend is at your place?"
She nodded yes and picked up her bag. She wasn't staying any longer.

Yuvraj: "Wait, I need to go there as well, so let's go."
She nodded yes and they paid before leaving rhetorical restaurant quickly.

Back to their house:
Ranbir/Aryan saw Abhi entering the house and their eyes moved to the door. But when Prachi didn't come with him, Ranbir couldn't help himself by asking: "Where's Prachi?"
Abhi looked at him suspiciously along with Yuvraj's parents.
So Vikram interfered: "Your best friend will come, don't worry that much."
Abhi: "Yeah, she is having dinner with Yuvraj."
Ranbir's fists clenched on his side and he was about to say something else but they heard footsteps.

Prachi and Yuvraj both entered the house. Her eyes directly went to Ranbir and she looked at him guiltily.
She had no idea... but he reassured her that it was all fine just through a nod.

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