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I know i know, i said next will be holi episode. But I couldn't stop myself from writing after seeing what happened.

This is based on the current track where the chandelier almost fell on Prachi but Ranbir saved her.

Let's skip to later on, at night because police will be there for nothing and Aliya/Rhea would not be caught.😂

At night:
Shahana and Dida were with Prachi who was still a little bit shook from what happened. But she was perfectly masking it in front of Dida/Shahana.

Dida was making her have dinner and she was eating unwillingly, only because she had to eat for her baby, otherwise she wasn't hungry.

Dida:"do you want something else, Prachi?"
Prachi, trying to smile for them:"no, Dida. You guys are also tired. Please go and rest. I am fine."
Shahana:"Prachi, I will stay with you tonight..."

Prachi:"arey, you go and sleep. I am fine, really."
Shahana, confirming it one last time:"are you sure?"
Prachi:"yes, my cute sister. You go."

Dida/Shahana nodded and proceeded to leave. Ranbir was watching all this at the doorstep. He shook his head desperately because of what Prachi said to Shahana.

He knew her too well....
He also headed to his room.
Ranbir, to no-one in particular:"she has become even more stubborn now.... She is not fine but will always say the contrary.
God, how did you make her? Always hiding her feelings like this..."

He went to his bed and laid down.
Ranbir, to himself:"just sleep, Ranbir. She will be okay."
He covered himself with the blanket completely to be able to sleep.

On the other side:
Prachi was also trying to sleep but couldn't. She didn't say anything to Dida/Shahana but she was nervous and scared.
Every time, she was closing her eyes, she would remember what happened earlier. She sat straight and hugged her knees.
And when Shahana and Ranbir said that it deliberately done by someone, she was even more scared.

She wasn't feeling good about this and it affected her more than she was letting others see.

And with the fear also came the worry...
What would have happened to her and their baby if Ranbir didn't save her?
She placed her hands on her belly and slowly rubbed it.
She recalled how Ranbir saved her and was worried for her.

Ranbir's room:
He frustratedly removed the blanket and sat straight.
Ranbir, to himself:"why can't I sleep?"

He recalled how the chandelier was falling on her and grew tensed.
Ranbir, to himself:"I will go and check on her once. I don't have to talk to her. I will just see her from afar."
He stood up and walked to the door.

Opening it, he was surprised seeing Prachi also opening the door of her room. They both looked at each other lovingly and caring.
Looking into each other's eyes were like communicating to each other for them but right now words were needed.

He was the first one to speak:"are you okay?"
She noticed the worry laced in his voice and looked at him vulnerably.
Prachi, softly:"do you have first aid box? I can't find it."
Ranbir:"it's there only..."
She nodded no.
Ranbir:"wait, i will give it to you."

He went past her and to the wardrobe while she closed the door. She went to the bed and on the edge.
He found the box in first try itself as it has always been kept there. Turning to her, he clearly saw her vulnerability, nervousness and disturbance of what happened earlier.

He sat next to her when her attention shifted to him.
Ranbir, opening the box, took out the ointment:"where are you hurt? I will apply it."

She took the ointment from him and he was hurt because he thought she wouldn't let him do it. But the hurt quickly disappeared as Prachi turned his hand sideway and looked at his wounded hands.

He didn't even pay attention to that, in fact he didn't know that he was hurt.
She started applying the ointment while blowing on his hands to reduce the burning. Ranbir looked at her lovingly.
He let her do his first aid and when she was done, she looked at him.
They have an eyelock. Their eyes were expressing the same thing: love, longing and care, but also pain. Pain of being apart.

He was the first one to break the eyelock.
Ranbir:"i will keep it back."
Prachi, softly:"you won't put on mine?"
He looked at her confused and then his eyes went to her hands and other visible parts. There was no injury, none he could spot.

Ranbir:"are you hurt?"
She nodded:"but it's ok. I will tell Shahana to put it tomorrow."
Prachi took the the box and was about to keep it but Ranbir held her arms and pulled her back to him. She hit his chest and yelled in pain.

This worried Ranbir and he guessed where he was hurt.
Ranbir, concernedly:"you got hurt on your back?"
She nodded.

He turned her to him and asked to lay down on her belly but she refused for obvious reason.
So he let her sit on the edge of the bed itself.

He held the hem of her night dress and looked at her one last time to be sure if he could do it.
One little nod from Prachi was enough for him and he lifted her top. She used the blanket to cover herself while leaving the area paining bare.

He turned her around and noticed there wasn't a thing. It was just paining. He took another ointment and started applying it to her back.
Prachi shivered at his touch, she clenched to the blanket even more than she was already doing.

Ranbir nervously looked at her. He knew what was going on as he could feel her goosebumps under his fingers.
This made him inch a little closer to her. She also felt his subtle actions and subconsciously leaned onto him.
He let her and continued massaging her back until she was completely relaxed.

Ranbir, whispered:"better."
She hummed in response as she was extremely tired and also due to the fact that she was finally peaceful in his arms.
She had her eyes closed and snuggled into him more.

He chuckled at her actions and this time, he was genuinely happy having her in his arms, looking so cute.
He carefully stood up and lifted her up in bridal style. He carried her to her place on bed. Once she was on the bed, she sleepily opened her eyes and looked at him.

Ranbir, softly and lovingly:"sleep... goodnight, Chikchiki."
He leaned in and kissed her forehead but Prachi wrapped her hands around his neck.
Prachi, sleepily:"please don't go. Nothing feels right without you."
He looked at her lovingly and emotionally.

Prachi:"you don't know how much I miss you...."
Ranbir:"i am here only. I am not leaving you."
He laid down next to her and she immediately hugged him.
Ranbir:"and I miss you too..."
She looked at him and quickly placed a kiss on his cheek.

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