Trust the timing of your life

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This chapter is dedicated to mohdshahid471. Hope you will like it.

Shoes squeaking on the clean floor was heard in the hallway. Echoes of talking and laughing mixed with the squeaking...
The hallways of the most prestigious college of town was crowded at this time in the morning.

A hand touched the cold metal lockers, swirling the dial of a lock. The metal locker took its time to open and the individual took out some books and other things that he needed for the first period.

His name was plastered to one of his book and it read Ranbir... Ranbir Kohli.
As he finished to take his belongings, he looked at the time and his eyes moved to the entrance.

It was time...

A few seconds went by but nothing happened. His forehead scrunched in confusion but just on cue, the door opened.
He smiled as he watched ahead with dreamy eyes.

In front of him was the world's most beautiful girl of this world.
She was dressed in a simple black jeans and black shirt. Only her converse were white which made it stand out.

The coffee cup in her right hand was the reason behind her lateness

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The coffee cup in her right hand was the reason behind her lateness.
Ranbir looked at her lovingly as she stopped to greet one of the girls in their class.
The wind played with her hair which annoyed her a bit but using her hands, she pushed back her hair.

Ranbir just leaned onto his lockers and admired her. Anyone who looked at that moment could see through his feelings right now. He wasn't even trying to hide it.
But thankfully, no-one noticed him yet. His feelings were just for him and he liked that. He liked admiring her from the shadows.

"Thank you Prachi..." The girl thanked her.
Prachi, smilingly: "No problem..."
As they continued talking, an arm wrapped around Prachi's shoulder.
Another boy appeared next to her.

On seeing him, Ranbir's smile was no longer that bright. But he wasn't going to let her boyfriend disturb his morning admiration.
Anyone would find it like stalking but it didn't go to that level. He just admired her and didn't do anything other than that.

He concentrated on Prachi and saw how she just acknowledged him for a second and then turned her attention back to the girl.
Once the girl left, Prachi turned to her boyfriend.
Excitedly: "Did you hear... she said that I might be the one who topped the Maths test..."

Her boyfriend: "How does it matter? It's just a test..."
Ranbir was good at reading lips and he could make out what he said and he couldn't help but notice how Prachi's smile fell as soon as he spoke.
Her boyfriend noticed it as well: "Come on, Prachi... I am just kidding. I was sure that you topped it."
She forced a smile as she didn't want to make it an issue.

The bell rang signaling the first period and Ranbir, smilingly, shook his head. His staring time was over. He got classes now. He watched as Prachi separated from her boyfriend as well.

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