Bet (3)

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Since most of you asked for a part 3. Here you go and thank you all❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

They all had already packed up to leave now, their one week of holiday was gone and they were about to return home.
All students gathered near the bus waiting for their luggage to be loaded. Shahana and Prachi were talking while the boys took care of the bags.

Prachi nervously looked around as she felt everyone's gaze on her. Indeed, they were all staring... all the girls...
They haven't stopped, since the day they saw them in the attic.

Ranbir came to her and noticed her nervousness, he reassuringly held her hands and signed her to relax. She smiled weakly at him.

They boarded the bus and Ranbir pulled Prachi with him along with Shahana at the back.
Ranbir:"don't bother about the stares, it will stop soon enough."
She nodded and smilingly laid her head on his shoulders. He smiled at her cute action and rubbed her knuckles.

Using this opportunity, he placed a kiss on her head and she snuggled further into him. He placed his jacket on her, acting like a blanket from the cold. He also laid his head on hers and they both fell in a slumber.

They weren't the only one who slept, almost every single one slept as they were tired. Rhea glanced at Pranbir and grew angry seeing their closeness but she couldn't do anything right now. She irritatedly turned in front.

After a few hours, the teachers woke up everyone as they nearly reached their college. Ranbir sleepily looked at Prachi in his arms and smiled.
He lightly tapped her cheeks to wake her up. She started stirring and soon opened her eyes.

Ranbir, smilingly:"we reached..."
She looked around and nodded but didn't want to move her head from his shoulder. She was in the same position. Ranbir also let her until the time they reached their destination.

At college:
They all climbed down and the teachers were talking to them, appreciating them for the week and also informing that classes will start next Monday. They had the weekend to rest.

The students nodded and they all started to leave.
Aryan:"Girls, we will drop you home."
Shahana:"yes, i am too tired to opt for taxi right now."
Aryan:"anyway, we will drop you everyday now, right Ranbir?"
He looked at his brother who nodded yes. Obviously he was dropping them now.

They got in Ranbir's car and the girls sat behind. Shahana was showing Prachi the beautiful pictures that was taken and sent on their group.

Shahana showed her one particular picture of her and Ranbir when they were swimming: where he was asking her about Rhea and they both were laughing. Prachi smiled looking at the picture.

Shahana:"i know you will keep this one forever."
She nodded yes and Shahana side hugged her:"i am so happy for you, Prachi."

Prachi looked up and found Ranbir looking at her through the mirror smilingly. She also smiled back at him. Aryan joined them in their conversation while Pranbir continued exchanging looks through the mirror.

Girls' house:
The four of them climbed down and took out the girls' bags. Aryan and Shahana looked at Pranbir and signed each other.
Aryan:"Shahana and I will put the bags inside, you guys talk."
Arhana left Pranbir alone and went inside.

Prachi, nervously:"thank you..."
He looked at her confused but ended up smiling:"I would have never thought that our equation will change like this. So, i should thank you..."

Prachi:"i should go. We will meet in college..."
He nodded and she was about to leave but he caught her wrist.

Ranbir, nervously:"actually... will... i mean take care."
Prachi:"Baklu, you also take care and rest. You look tired."
Ranbir:"I and tired... never..."
Prachi, frowning:"you also slept in the bus, so don't lie."
Ranbir, teasingly:"i slept because my teddy bear was so comfortable and peaceful."

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