Love beyond limits (6)

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The car ride was extremely silent where Prachi thought about the way Ranbir declared that he won't come in front of her again.

Aryan: "You shouldn't have reacted this way."
Shahana: "We had a reason to think like this. He was basically stalking her, Aryan."
Prachi's eyes moved to Aryan and noticed that he was calm compared to what she had expected.
She hadn't told him because of his reaction but here, he wasn't reacting all.

Prachi: "Why are you not surprised that he was stalking me?"
Aryan parked the car on the side while the girls were confused.
Shahana: "Why did you..."
Aryan: "Because this conversation can escalate in many ways and I don't want an accident."

Prachi: "Why are you so chill about the stalking thing? I thought you would get angry."
Aryan, guiltily: "Not when I already know."

The girls exchanged shocked looks: "What?"
They both exclaimed loudly.

He shrugged at them.
Aryan: "I knew it before this conversation..."
Prachi: "What do you mean?"
Aryan, funnily: "Well, he told me..."
Shahana: "Who?"
Aryan: "Ranbir... who else?"

Prachi: "How come he told you?"
Aryan once again shrugged at them: "He just told me, okay? But he also told how much he loves you and wants to be with you...
And that's what most important."

Shahana: "Stalking, following... isn't love..."
Aryan: "I know... but he truly didn't know how to approach her. That is why I made the plan of the 4 am class."
Prachi, outrageously: "YOU did that..."
Aryan: "Yeah... and he told me everything; the barging into your house which I stopped him but guess he couldn't do anything else."

Prachi: "What do you mean he couldn't do anything else? He could have given the gift to me."
Aryan: "He is shy and see, you told him and he listened right?
He returned you your key."

Prachi: "So he told you everything?"
Aryan: "He wanted advice, so yeah..."
She sighed and looked outside the window.

Aryan: "See, Prachi... first he loves you a lot, like he really really loves you. And second, you think I would have let him near you if he was dangerous..."
Prachi didn't know what to answer.

Aryan: "I am not telling you that he is right, stalking isn't right.
But Ranbir isn't going to harm you. He loves you. And I got a very good friend."

Shahana: "That's why you are taking his side."
Aryan: "I am not... he is genuinely nice and just really doesn't know how to interact with her.
And if you don't want to lose someone who loves you truly, Prachi, you got to convince him."

Prachi looked on guiltily.
Shahana: "Prachi, let him calm down a bit and then you talk with him."
She nodded at her best friend.

Aryan: "I will explain a bit of boys' logic to you two."
That captured the girls' attention and interest.
"A boy might love you dearly and truly, he might not be able to love without you, but the moment he thinks that you are in danger because of him, he is going to step away.
For your safety, he will step away. Even if it hurts him, your safety is his first priority."

Prachi was thoughtful.
Aryan: "He isn't harmful. If I had gotten any negative vibes from him, I would have never ever let you near him, Prachi."
Prachi nodded and was now worried about the way she would convince Ranbir.

At night, Prachi was lying on her bed; already in her pajama. Her phone was in her hands as her fingers lingered on Ranbir's name.
She was indecisive; whether to call or not?

Suddenly, she got a notification and excitedly checked it but all excitement went to the drains when she saw that it was only a mail.
She opened it nevertheless.

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