He is not her Dad, he is the one who extended his hand to support her.

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This chapter is dedicated to Coookiee31. Hope you will like it dear.
And sorry for the long wait as well.

The punching bag was being knocked furiously again and again. All anger, pain and suffering was coming out in only this form.
But no matter how hard he hit the bag, it didn't end his pain nor reduce it.

Words echoed in his ears... words that pierced his heart like sword. Piercing and cutting through... not once but a thousand of times.
The words kept going on...

His girlfriend's voice... not only girlfriend but the girl with whom he fell in love. He loved her and he knew she felt the same.
Then why did she say that she didn't love him an hour ago?

But he couldn't think of any reason right now. He just knew it hurt him, that's it.
He could no longer held his tears and broke down.

Unaware of him, his girlfriend was in a worst state. The only difference was that she couldn't show it. She buckled everything inside her heart. Her eyes were the only part expressing her pain.

She heard the voice of her sister and soon, Shahana appeared at the doorstep. She had just met Aryan who informed her what Prachi did to Ranbir.

However, Shahana's words died off as she noticed Abhi, Vikram and Rhea there. Pragya wasn't being seen, they were the only ones with Prachi.

Shahana looked at them wearily and turned to Prachi. The first thing she noticed was her sister's bleeding hands and Vikram who were tending to her.
She rushed to her worriedly.

Shahana: "What happened?"
Abhi: "Rhea said that she closed the door on her hand by mistake."
Shahana looked on as she knew that Prachi wasn't that reckless, instead she is really careful.
But all her doubts went away when she noticed Rhea's smirk.

Abhi: "Prachi, where is your mother?"
But no answer was heard from the slowly breaking girl.
Shahana, taking matter in her hands: "She went for catering order with Sarita Aunty. She will be back soon."
Vikram looked at Prachi but didn't say anything.

She turned back to her sister: "Let's get you cleaned up."
She brought Prach to the kitchen where the latter could no longer bear anything.

She started sobbing and hugged Shahana.
Shahana, worriedly: "what happened, Prachi? There, Ranbir is upset and here, you..."

With a broken voice, Prachi explained the situation to Shahana.
"Why did you do that, Prachi?"
"Maa..." the only reason behind breaking up with Ranbir.

"They threatened me, Shahana. I couldn't do anything."
Shahana, confused: "Threatened? Who?"
Prachi pointed to the hall...
Shahana was sure that it was Rhea's doing.

Prachi, sobbing: "She was going to hurt Maa..."
Her sister grew shocked but questioned Prachi.
"What do you mean?"

Prachi retrieved her phone and showed her Rhea's message.
Indeed her message was a threatening one... one that threatened Pragya. Rhea was going to hurt Pragya if Prachi didn't do what she said.

Prachi: "Maa is still not back, Shahana. What if Rhea did something..."
Shahana, wiping her tears: "No, no. You did what she said. She won't do anything. Masi will be back soon.
But Ranbir?"

Prachi, on recalling what she said to him: "I didn't want to do it... but I panicked. He would hate me so much...
I really didn't want to do it, Shahana."

Shahana hugged her unconsolable sister and whispered sweet words to her.
"He will understand, you just have to tell him..."

Prachi showed her Rhea's full messages and Shahana realised that Prachi was stuck. She didn't have any way out. Rhea was threatening their mother.
Her mother as well, but did she see Pragya as her mother?
None of them could answer it for sure.

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