A new bond

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Happy Easter 🐰

This idea just clicked. I don't know if it's good enough, but let's see.😂

Pallavi was in the kitchen preparing something watching the recipe book.
Prachi came there to drink something as she was feeling nauseous with the smell of whatever was cooking.
She didn't say anything though.

Prachi silently went to the fridge while Pallavi stole glances at her. Prachi noticed the ice-cream and she suddenly started craving for it.
She knew the ice-cream was for Ranbir but doesn't matter.

She took the box and a bowl, she was about to take some when Pallavi spoke.
Pallavi:"if you are hungry, taste this. There is no-one at home otherwise i would have asked them."

Prachi turned tensed since the smell itself was making her nauseous but as it was the first time that Pallavi asked her for something she had to agree.
She put the ice-cream back to the fridge and approached Pallavi.

The latter served her a little bowl and handed it to her. Prachi looked at the content and didn't want to eat it.
Prachi, to herself:"Mommy used butter in this, and you, baby, don't seem to be so fond of butter.
I am not being able to bear the smell of it and now eating it....."
Prachi looked at Pallavi who was impatiently waiting for her to try.

Prachi faked a smile at her and sighed before putting a spoon in her mouth. She thought to swallow it before getting the taste.
But before she could swallow it, she already felt the weird liquid rising up.
She rushed to the sink in a fraction of a second and spilt everything out.

Pallavi looked on shocked and exchanged looks between Prachi and the food.
Pallavi, to herself:"was it so bad?"

As Prachi was continuously vomiting now, Pallavi rushed to her side and rubbed her back.
Pallavi:"take deep breaths in between, okay?"

Ranbir was just back home and headed to the kitchen hearing the noise. He rushed to Prachi's side as well.
Ranbir, worriedly:"what happened?"
Pallavi shrugged as she herself had no clue.

She pointed to the pan and Ranbir went to taste it.
Ranbir:"it's actually good... then why is she vomiting?"
Pallavi:"is she allergic to something?"
Ranbir nodded no.

He rubbed her back and after a few seconds, Prachi's vomiting finally stopped. But all her energy drained out and she felt weak. Ranbir supported her by holding her waist and on Pallavi's insistence carried her to her room.

Pallavi:"Call the doctor, Ranbir."
He was about to go but Prachi shouted 'no.'
The mother-son duo looked at her and she redeemed herself.

Prachi, worriedly:"it's just a little bit. I wasn't feeling too well since morning itself."
Pallavi:"that's why we should call a doctor. Ranbir, go."
He nodded yes and hurriedly left from there since the doctor wasn't picking up.

Pallavi prepared some ginger and peppermint tea for Prachi and brought it there.
Prachi took the cup and cringed at the smell of it.

Pallavi, on noticing her:"drink it silently. You will feel better."
Prachi looked at her... this was the first time, Pallavi was caring for her. She would have been extremely happy if she wasn't so drained out.

She drank it silently just as Pallavi ordered. Prachi was unaware of the piercing gaze of her mother-in-law. Pallavi's eyes went over the room and she started noticing things.
First her eyes went to the medicines that was lying on the bedside table.
Then on the different things around the room.

Pallavi observed Prachi carefully. She recalled how she fell unconscious few days back, how she went for the ice-cream when she knows that Ranbir is the only one to like this vanilla flavour.

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