You might not be my first love, but you will always be my last (3)

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Last part is here....
But I changed a lot of things in the end.
I hope you will like it

Ranbir's building apartment:
His friend and him showed Prachi the building.
Friend: "this is mine and next to it is yours..."
Ranbir had rented the one next door to his previous one.
Pranbir had both decorated the apartment together prior to their wedding.

His friend stopped them at the entrance and gathered the materials to perform her welcoming ceremony.
Friend: "I am Ranbir's family, so I will do it."
Pranbir looked on gratefully and smiled.

His friend completed the welcoming rituals and Prachi took the first step in.
Friend: "as from here, I leave you two alone... Enjoy your night and married life."
Ranbir hugged him and they bid him bye.

Prachi, sitting on the couch: "Finally over..."
She started removing the jewelry. He crossed his arms and watched her amusedly.
Small chuckles escaped him which made Prachi looked at him.
He sat besides her: "You are too cute for your own good..."

Prachi: "I should go and change..."
He nodded while she looked at him teasingly.
She picked her belongings and stood up. Then she quickly added: "I am going before you..."
Ranbir realized her teasing a bit too late as she had already ran towards their room.

He followed her shortly but she was already in the bathroom. He didn't knock on the door and even let her take her time.

He went to his wardrobe and took out his night clothes. He checked his phone and saw multiple messages of congratulations.
He ignored most of them and decided to leave it for tomorrow.

As he put his phone down, he heard the washroom's door open. Instead of her entire form, he saw only her head.
Prachi, sheepishly: "I forgot my clothes outside...."
He chuckled at her and then walked to her wardrobe.

He took one set of her pajamas and walked to her. However, a mischievous idea went through him. Instead of giving it to her, he put it out of her reach.
Prachi, whiningly: "Ranbirrrr..."
Ranbir: "What am I going to get in return?"
Prachi: "Nothing..."
Ranbir: "Then you are not getting it..."
He took a step away but was immediately stopped by her.

Prachi, funnily: "Please Ranbir..."
He nodded no... and she pouted at him.
Ranbir: "This isn't going to work, Mrs. Kohli...."
She looked at him surprised. The surname was new and she wasn't used to it yet.
The name also brought confidence in her.
Prachi, bluffing: "You know... now that I am your wife, I can come in front of you in a towel. It wouldn't matter."

His eyes grew double their size as he digested her words. But the smile on her face gave her away.
Ranbir: "Then come out... even I don't mind."
All teasing and smile vanished from Prachi and she looked at him contemplating what to do.

Ranbir: "What happened, Mrs. Kohli?"
She opened the door a little more and tried grabbing her clothes from her but Ranbir was quicker and moved them away.
However, in that attempt, she slipped and screamed as her body dropped to the floor.

Ranbir looked on and a second later, he bursted out laughing.
Prachi rubbed her arms and funnily glared at him.
"You are so mean..."
She complained with fake anger.

After his laughing session, he forwarded his hand to her which she immediately took. He pulled her back onto her feet but as he pulled her with force, she clashed with his chest.
They both had an eyelock. Their eyelock had always been special where each one of them would get lost in the other.
Their eyes spoke million of words and expressed so many feelings to each other.

Ranbir's hand moved to her face and he pushed her hair back.
Ranbir: "I am so happy today... we got married."
She chuckled seeing his happiness: his everlasting smile, shining eyes and the way he was looking at her. All of it displayed his happiness.

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