You will forever be my always. (1)

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This chapter is dedicated to _pranbirian_ and Laxmicrationpranbir.
You both suggested the same track so here you go. Hope you will like it.
I am making certain changes in your requests, please don't mind it and if ever you don't like it, please tell me. I will re write it according to your suggestion.

Little cries filled the dark and huge Kohli's mansion. Although it wasn't screeching, it successfully woke up everyone in the house.
They all hurriedly moved to a room but stopped at the doorstep itself on seeing the scene in the room.

The pink decorations of the room surely indicated that it belonged to a small girl. A white/pink/green butterfly rug laid lazily on the ground along a white and golden crib with pink sheets and pillowcases. Next to it, there was a grey sofa with a small grey table. The name of the little girl was pasted in gold on the wall.


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Amidst the decorations, the Kohli family members looked at their only son who had his 1 and half years old daughter in his arms. The little girl's cries had subsided as soon as the taste of milk touched her taste buds.

Rhea approached Ranbir but immediately stopped on seeing his glare.
Rhea: "I can feed her, Ranbir."
Ranbir: "No need..."

The family members looked on; not daring to say a word to their son. Rhea too knew to back off when needed.
Ranbir: "She is falling back to sleep, so would you people mind to leave?"
He was rude to them; he knew it and he knew that it hurt his family members but he was different now; very different to how he used to be. They knew it too and left the little girl's room silently.

Panchi had indeed fallen asleep as soon as she was satisfied with her milk. Ranbir placed her back in her crib and lovingly looked at his beloved daughter. His eyes held admiration and so much love for his little angel.
Ranbir: "You are looking more and more like your mother."
A smile formed on his lips when Prachi's thoughts came to him. He lovingly kissed his daughter's forehead. He had kissed her forehead ever since she was born. And now he couldn't stop it.
He had missed a couple of days when she had been kidnapped by Aliya but now his daughter was back: safe and sound with him.

He sat on the couch as he recalled how he was able to trace down his daughter with the police's help. He had found his daughter merely 2 days after. Thankfully, a nice woman had saved her and had taken care of her. She had reported the case to the police which made it easier to find Panchi.

However, despite all his efforts, his wife stayed missing. He had been unable to find Prachi and the guilt of their argument stuck with him.
He hasn't been able to meet his own eyes and never looked at himself in the mirror. He was so angry with himself. He had broken her yet again. His anger got the best out of him and he once again got separated from his wife.

That guilt nearly made him take drastic steps to kill himself but his little angel had saved him. He was about to do it when he got the call that his daughter was found. And after that, his life had consisted of only Panchi.
One and a half years, only Panchi mattered. He worked and worked only for his daughter. And he tried his level best to fulfill all his and Prachi's duties.

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