Misunderstandings are so poisonous

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This chapter is dedicated to stepholala.
Hope you will like it dear...

A strong pain shoot his head as he tried to open his eyes...
His hands rubbed his forehead in order to ease the pain but it wasn't helping.
He knew he shouldn't have drank so much last night but did he listen to his common sense?

Nope, not at all...
Instead, he drank so much that now the hungover is killing him.

The lights burnt his eyes which made him close them again. He took a few moment to adjust his vision to his surroundings.

As he did so, a ringtone filled the room. His hands directly went to it in order to shut it but he stopped seeing the caller's ID.

Unbelievably and to no-one in particular: "Prachi...."
Her name felt so foreign on his lips. It's been two weeks since he had found her in that damn hotel room. Since then, neither did he see her nor mentioned her name.

However, right now, seeing her call, his heart had skipped a beat and there was a new hope arising in him.
And he would give everything to have that hope.

He sat straight while answering her call. His headache was least of his issue right now. He paid full attention to her call, wanting to hear her voice.

Ranbir, hopefully: "Hello..."
"Mr. Kohli..."
He heard a female's voice on the other end... a voice that didn't belong to his wife.
Looking at his phone, he was confused but spoke nevertheless.

Ranbir: "Yes, it's me..."
The woman: "I am calling to inform you that your wife is admitted to the hospital..."
His heart sank hearing it and for a moment, he feared the worst.

The nurse: "She fainted at the temple and some people brought her here. No major injuries but the doctor is requesting you to come."
As the words settled in, he felt a bit relieved and his hands went over his face as he took the nurse's words.

Ranbir, worriedly: "Ye.. yes. ... I am coming... Which hospital?"
After getting the location, he rushed to the washroom and went directly into the shower. He had to take one since he was sure that he reeked of alcohol. And his wife hated alcohol, he wasn't meeting her in this state.

While heading outside hurriedly, he bumped into Pallavi and Rhea.
Rhea, who had been failing at coming close to him: "Ranbir... Let's eat breakfast together..."
But he avoided her attempt as usual and rushed out without a word.
Dida snickered at Rhea which made the latter fume.

At the hospital, Ranbir ran to the reception.
With worry laced in his voice: "Mrs. Prachi... Prachi Kohli..."
The receptionist guided him to her ward and he literally ran there.
He didn't know if it was due to his aching heart who urged to see her or the fact that even if the nurse had said there was no major injuries, he still felt that something was off.

Worry had clouded his mind ever since the phone call and his aching heart found its solace once he opened the door.
Two week he had been battling against his heart but now it had found its medicine.

However his solace was short as his eyes went over the pale skin of his wife... a drip inserted at the back of her palm and the fact that her already tiny figure had grew even tinnier in these 2 week.

He approached her with small steps... His eyes and heart took a moment to savour the fact that she was in front of him, with him...
But her condition worried him more.

The doctor came in as soon as he was informed about Ranbir's arrival.
Doctor: "Mr. Kohli..."
Ranbir shook his hands and questioned him about Prachi.
"What's wrong with her, Doctor?"

Doctor: "Dehydration... Mrs. Kohli has not been eating since a couple of days or maybe more.
And that led to weakness and eventually her fainting."

Ranbir looked at his wife who was sleeping. But the sight of her in a hospital bed looking so pale hit a soft nerve and every part of him ached.
Doctor: "I m waiting for her blood reports as well. I will come back once I have them."
Ranbir nodded and the doctor left from there.

Pranbir Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora