My once in a lifetime person (5)

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Ranbir: "What are you saying, bro?"
The couple looked at their best friend shocked.

Prachi: "No, we are not doing that."
Aryan: "Then what is your option?"
Prachi and Ranbir looked at each other worriedly.

Seated in the cafeteria , the four friends were discussing Pranbir's problems and Aryan came up with a solution.
Shahana: "I don't agree with Aryan's solution as well, but there is also no other option."

Prachi: "No... we are not eloping."
Ranbir: "Prachi is right. We both love our families, we are going to convince them. Eloping is not even the last option."

Shahana: "But how are you convincing them?"
Pranbir looked on having nothing to say.

Hearing the college bell, they knew it was time to go home. The girls had a free period just before while the boys were supposed to be in the library but had joined the girls to study and discuss their home situation.

The four of them collected their belongings and walked out of college.
Ranbir was holding Prachi's hands and whispered to her: "I will try to sneak in your room later on.
We got to revise."

Prachi nodded yes sadly.
However, she froze the moment she saw her father on the other side of the road.
His words rang in her head.

"If I get to know that you are meeting Ranbir secretly, it will not end up good, Prachi.
Consider it as a threat if you want. You are staying away from him."

She gulped down nervously and slowly released Ranbir's hand.
Feeling her hand slipping away, his eyes turned to her and then they followed her faze.

The angry stare of Abhi was obvious even from far away and it worried Prachi.
Ranbir, reassuringly: "Relax, okay? He might scold you but not more than that."
Abhi held Prachi's eyes intensely and it was enough to get her moving.

Ranbir let her go knowing that he couldn't say anything right now.

As she was unable to break the eye-contact with Abhi, she didn't pay attention to the road she was crossing. She just wanted to go to him quickly.
And this resulted into her not seeing a car speeding in her direction.

Both Abhi and Ranbir had noticed it and were shocked.
Ranbir shouted her name loudly and it was only then that she noted the car.
But she froze on seeing its speed and stood rooted in place.

The approaching car frightened her but just before it could hit her, she was pulled back by someone and they both fell on the side of the road.
"Are you alright?"
She heard Shahana who was helping her get up. Her eyes moved to the person next to her and she saw Aryan helping Ranbir to stand up.

Ranbir dusted himself and then turned to her. He immediately cupped her face into his hands and asked her if she was alright.
Prachi nodded yes a little dazed by the occurring.

Abhi reached them and was about to hug Prachi, but stopped seeing Ranbir with her.
Ranbir, worriedly: "Did you get hurt?"
His eyes examined her body and thankfully she didn't have any.
Abhi watched them intently.

Ranbir, out of worry, hugged her tightly.
"Does someone cross the road like this?"
But Prachi didn't answer him. The incident had slightly shaken her.

Her quietness was enough to let him know her state. So he just dipped his head and kissed her head lovingly. Prachi, instantly, melted in his arms. She hugged him too and just close her eyes to enjoy this few minutes of peace.

Her racing heart was finally calming down. She was no longer scared now. His arms were enough to reassure her.

But someone was watching them intensely. His eyes went over the couple and was pensive.
But his thoughts didn't last long and he pulled Prachi to him.
Abhi: "Are you okay?"
He too began checking his daughter when Aryan spoke.
"Bro, blood..."

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