King, Queen & Princess

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This chapter is dedicated to _pranbirians_
Hope you will like it dear.

Igniting the world anew with such brilliance, the sun rose with casual elegance. Each day, she shone and the world shone back, joyful to reflect those warm rays.
Those warm rays fell into a room, illuminating it to the brightest.

The sun rays touched a shirtless Ranbir on the bed. The individual was laying on his stomach and was the least bothered by the sun rays. Nothing was disturbing his sleep. Ranbir was in his own dreamland.

Footsteps were heard entering the room and they approached the bed.
Ranbir, soon, felt something poking him and he opened his eyes to see his beautiful princess by the bed.

A huge grin appeared on his face.
Ranbir, happily: "Good morning, My Panchi..."
He picked up the three years old toddler and put her on the bed next to him.
The little girl, immediately, laid on her father's chest and put her fingers on her lips: asking her father to be quiet.

At the same time, they heard a voice.
Ranbir, whispering: "You are hiding from Mamma?"
Panchi nodded yes.
The little toddler in a gibberish manner: "Shower... no... Papa."

"Panchi..." They heard Prachi's voice again and this time nearer to the room.
The little toddler snuggled closer to her father and covered herself with the blanket.

Ranbir chuckled but didn't give up her cover when Prachi entered the room.
Prachi, on noticing him awake: "Your daughter definitely went on you... She also doesn't like to wake up and bath..."
This deepened his smile.

Prachi observed Ranbir well and found something weird. She looked for a few seconds more and then it clicked.
Ranbir raised his hand in surrender to Prachi.

Prachi: "I was thinking that since it's weekend and none of us has to work, we could have taken Panchi to the aquarium but now she disappeared."

The mention of aquarium caught little Panchi's attention and she debated whether to come out or no.
Prachi approached the bed and then came to her side of the bed.
She sat down with making any brusque movement. Ranbir was amused by what was going on between his two girls and was just mere spectator.

Prachi, catching Panchi: "Got you..."
Ranbir removed the blanket from her and Prachi began tickling little Panchi.
The toddler squirmed and tried to escape, but couldn't.

Panchi, breathlessly: "Sorry... Mamma..."
Prachi stopped the tickles and looked at both of them.
"I am letting you both sleep for only 30 minutes more...then you two are getting ready, okay?"

Panchi and Ranbir looked at each other happily and simultaneously replied: "Ok, mamma..."
She smiled at them and was about to stand up but Ranbir caught her hands.
Ranbir: "You too come here..."
Prachi: "Chores..."
Ranbir: "We will do them together later on... come on... please..."

Panchi, cutely: "Please, mamma...."
Prachi, sighing: "How can I refuse my 2 babies..."
She pinched their cheeks and then came closer to Ranbir.
Panchi had her special place on Ranbir's chest and Prachi had hers as well.

Both his girls closed their eyes and Ranbir looked at then lovingly. In that moment, he felt complete. A complete family man. He kissed their foreheads: first Panchi, then Prachi.

Prachi lifted her head to look at him.
Ranbir, mouthed: "I love you..."
Prachi, smilingly: "I love you too... Baklu."
His smile grew but it soon disappeared and was replaced by shock when he felt his wife's soft lips on his cheek. She kissed him and her lips lingered there for a moment.

Ranbir, whispering: "What are you doing?"
Prachi, blushingly: "Nothing..."
He caressed her cheeks: "Whatever you are doing... I like it."
Prachi: "Then..."
She leaned in once again and kissed his cheek once more.

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