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This chapter is dedicated to Ellianna0912.
Hope you will like it.

Ranbir entered their rented house worriedly, while calling Prachi's name.
Ranbir:"Prachi... Prachi..."
Seeing no-one in the hall and kitchen, he moved to the bedroom. Prachi came out of the bathroom and was surprised seeing him.

Prachi:"Ranbir... what are you...."
But he didn't let her finish and questioned her.
Ranbir:"what happened to you? Sid informed me that you weren't feeling well and he told you to leave...
What happened?"

Prachi, sadly:"just not feeling well..."
He made her sit on the bed and touched her forehead and neck.
Ranbir:"no fever... headache?"
She nodded yes:"for some days..."
Ranbir, shocked:"some days, Prachi... and you didn't say anything to me...."
Prachi, innocently:"you were so dedicated towards your project and for your meeting today that I didn't want to bother you..."
This earned her an angry glare from Ranbir.

Prachi:"what happened to your meeting? (Checking the time) you left it in the middle?"
Ranbir, cupping her face in his hands:"nothing matters more than you, Chikchiki. I will leave everything to come to you and that was just a meeting."
Prachi looked at him lovingly.

Ranbir:"now tell me, what's wrong?"
She shrugged:"just hug me..."
Ranbir:"is it something to ask? Come here..."
He pulled her in his arms and rubbed her back and hair.
However, Prachi felt nauseous and rushed to the washroom. This worried him and he followed her.

At the sink, Prachi let out the fluid that was bothering her so much. Ranbir opened the tap in order to let flush away. But, Prachi once again vomited.
His hands automatically went towards her back and softly rubbed it. He held her hair back so they don't get dirty and let her finish vomiting.

Once she was done, he helped her wash her face and took a towel. He started wiping the water droplets on her face. He brought her back to their room and made her sit on the edge of the bed while he knelt down in front of her.
Ranbir, worriedly:"Let's go to the doctor. It seems serious."
He was about to leave but Prachi caught his wrist. She nodded no to him.
Ranbir:"we should see a doctor, Prachi."

Prachi, nervously:"i think I know what's going on..."
He looked at her confused but then questioned her.
Prachi, tensed but nervous as well:"there might be a possibility of..."
She looked at him while he urged her to continue.
Prachi:"a possibility of pregnancy..."
He was stunned hearing that. His eyes doubled in size, and slowly a smile crept on his face. His face beamed in happiness hearing that and he stood up in excitement.

Ranbir, excitedly and with pure happiness:"pregnancy... we are pregnant..."
She pulled him down, so he was back on his knees in front of her.
Prachi, stressing on her words:"possibility... I mean I am having all symptoms: felt dizzy in office and now vomiting. Even my periods are late..."

Ranbir:"we should do a pregnancy test."
Prachi:"but I am scared..."
This calmed Ranbir down and he asked her about her fears.
Prachi:"I know that this is your biggest dream: our baby. And I am scared... what if the test is negative?
You grew so excited just now, what if there is nothing and I gave you false hope...
What if I can't complete your dream?"

She turned teary eyed telling him all this and he engulfed her in a hug to calm her down. Once, he moved back, he wiped the few tears that escaped her eyes.

Ranbir:"why are you being so negative? Think how much happy we will be if it's positive...
And I know, amongst all my dreams, this is the biggest and most special one, but even if it's negative this time, it doesn't mean we won't become parents.
We have ample time to become parents, Prachi. It's only a year since our wedding and we are together for eternity, right? If not now, it will happen someday..."

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