She's mine (4)

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This chapter is dedicated to ShristiRaghav.
Hope you will like it dear...
This series was posted a long time ago, so I would suggest you read the 3 parts again before this one.
Even I had to re read it as I forgot it. 😂

Sunlight peeked inside the room stealthily through the blinds of the room, shining over one individual.
The man in question stirred and attempted to hug the void space beside him.
His forehead scrunched in confusion when he found it empty.

Rambir lifted his head and looked around his enormous room but no-one was in the room. However, the sound of the water cleared his confusion about her whereabouts.
He turned on his back and took his phone. Multiple messages were seen and all from his right man.

He had made a rule not to call him when he is home unless there is an emergency.
25 missed calls definitely looked like one. He immediately dialed the number back.

Ranbir, sternly: "Another consignment seized? How is that happening?"
RM: "I don't know, Sir... it's the third time this month. I will go to the office..."
Ranbir: "No... I will go this time. I will find the source of this problem."
RM: "Ok, I will be at your place in half an hour."
They hung up and Ranbir was thoughtful. Indeed it was the third time that his consignment has been seized only this month. He had to see the problem with the authorities.

At the same time, the bathroom's door opened and Prachi's soft voice broke his chain of thoughts.
"Morning..." She said brightly. Usually he would reply with the same enthusiasm but today, his mood was already spoilt.
Prachi looked at his reflection in the mirror while wiping her hair.
Prachi: "What's wrong?"
He explained it to her still in a sour mood.

Prachi: "But this time, you had paid the taxes... how can they still seize it?"
Ranbir's eyes moved down and Prachi knew that he was hiding something.
Prachi, warningly: "Ranbir..."
Ranbir, guiltily: "I paid half, okay?"
Prachi: "What?"
Ranbir: "I can't pay the other half since they are actually..."
He stopped right there as Prachi already knew the answers.
She knew the other half were stolen diamonds, he couldn't pay tax on them.

Ranbir: "I have to get the consignment before they opened it..."
Prachi nodded understandingly.
Even if she doesn't agree to certain terms of his work, she knew how much Ranbir loved his business.
And whenever something like that happened, Ranbir would be so upset but will handle it in the end.

Prachi: "You get ready, I will pack something for you to eat on the way."
Ranbir: "Driver will drop you... I will inform him."
Prachi: "I actually was going to see Papa..."
Ranbir just nodded at her... he knew she always went to see her father and he hoped that the latter was changing for Prachi's sake.
He still remembered how he had seen the bruise on her cheek which was caused by her father.
He wouldn't forget nor forgive him but if there was a chance that he was changing for the better, then good.
He could tolerate her father only for Prachi's sake.

He got ready as quick as possible and left but not before taking the breakfast that Prachi had quickly packed for him.

His RA didn't need to tell him about the situation, he knew what was going on.
The car ride was silent but Ranbir's anger could easily be seen. His jaws were clenched and fists too... he had buckled his anger inside and just waited to release it on the person who is behind this mess.

They reached an office and Ranbir looked on unbothered. But his RA was tensed; he knew his boss' anger. It had subsided with a certain girl's presence but it could unleash anytime.

On the other hand, Prachi was working in the café. She wasn't the only staff along with the chef anymore. She had hired two other girls for the waitresses and the three of them were serving. She would never just sit at the cash register like the previous owner.

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