Love beyond limits (1)

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This chapter is dedicated to Ashvini. Hope you will like it.
And sorry for the long wait.
I made some changes to the plot; hope it will be okay.

The city below was illuminated by lights of different colours; adding special effects to the surroundings.
The lights brought a different vibe to every non living thing and made them radiate.

But someone in the tall buildings didn't like all these lights. His eyes moved around the corners of the city in disinterest and soon his fingers moved to the blinds.
In a fraction of a second, he closed it; letting darkness invade him and his surroundings.

But not only his surroundings were dark, his outfit also consisted of a dark suit and black shirt.
He moved to his chair and his hands went to the intercom.
"Get the files..." he barked on the phone and he heard his assistant whispering a yes in a scared tone.

His assistant moved quickly and handed him the file. He stayed there hesitating to ask something.
A stern voice baffled him but he was able to register the words: "You may leave. Office hours are done."
His assistant: "Thank you, Ranbir Sir."
When he left, Ranbir submerged into the files that his assistant just brought. Office hours were done but his work was still incomplete.

His eyes scanned those files and he took in the details written. He threw the file on the opposite side of his table where rejected was written. He then proceeded to the next one.
And soon, each and every single file joined the rejected pile.

He sighed; all his efforts of finding the perfect model for his design went in vain.
He couldn't find a proper girl who matched his criteria. For once he didn't want a known face or an experienced one.
He waned to portray innocence and wanted a model that would fit perfectly but all the experience ones had already been used too often and they somehow lacked that innocence.

He frustratedly rubbed his forehead when his phone started ringing. His eyes shifted immediately to it because only a selective amount of people had his number.
Seeing the jewelry store number, he immediately picked it up. It was the exclusive shop where he would buy accessories for his models and they had collaborated ever since he had started his modeling business.

Picking up the call, he heard his jewelry supplier.
"Sir, the pendant is ready. Should I send it to your office?"
Ranbir: "No, I will personally come to pick it up. This piece is special."
After acknowledging Ranbir's saying, they cut the call and the latter left his office.
This work was more urgent.

Ranbir soon reached the store and met the owner who greeted him politely.
He made Ranbir sit in his office and went to get the pendant himself. He knew how special it was for him.

Instead of sitting idly, he walked the glass window that oversee the jewelry store. Despite the late hours, the customers were still there.
Indeed, because it was the best jewelry store in the country.

His eyes went over the smile of these people but one particular one caught his attention.
Sitting in the right corner, with her friend, she was smilingly and excitedly showing one bracelet to her friend.

Her bright smile, lustful lips and big expressive eyes knocked all the air from his lungs.
He froze on the spot and his eyes refused to move away from her beautiful face.
His eyes began wandering on all her face features.

Her long lashes casted a shadow on her slim cheeks which he also found to be very soft even from far. Her big eyes lit up in excitement and happiness. Her beautiful lips which blabbered everything and anything.
Her friend moved so she covered the girl but Ranbir moved aside. He had never hated a person for blocking his view; she was the first.

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