Counterplan (2)

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Since you all asked for part 2
Here you go.

Ranbir proceeded to read the letter.
His third dream....

Ranbir, shocked and unbelievably:"Ranbir, you are going to be a father."
He read the last line several times.

Ranbir, surprisingly:"Father...."
Prachi nodded, emotionally mixed with excitement and a little bit of fear.
Fear: is he going to question her....

Ranbir broke the hug and looked at her.
He couldn't describe what he was feeling right now. His heart was filled with so much excitement and happiness.

Ranbir:"father? I am going to be a father..."
She once again nodded, this time teary eyed. But his eyes were shining with excitement.

Ranbir picked her up and twirled with her in his arms.
Prachi, surprised:"Ranbir, what are you doing?"
He realised what he is doing and placed her back on the floor apologizing.

Ranbir:"sorry, sorry.... I shouldn't have done this. Really sorry..."
Prachi:"it's okay..."
He didn't let her complete as he was too much excited.

Ranbir:"i cannot tell you how i am feeling right now.... It's like i am flying...."
He took the pillow and started throwing the cotton in the air on her in his excitement.
She had the biggest smile possible looking at him. She knew he would have such reaction when she tells him.

Ranbir, happily:"Prachi, we will have a cute little baby. Our baby who will call me Papa...."
He cupped her face in his hands:"and you mamma."

Ranbir:"oh, I can't wait.... (Hu hugged her) i love you, i love you, Prachi. And our little princess/prince."

He broke the hug and looked at her. He was ranting in his overexcitement.
Ranbir:"but babies cannot speak.... I mean he will call us papa and mamma when he grows a little bit..."

This time, Prachi cupped his face in her hands and connected their foreheads.
Prachi:"Ranbir, breathe.... Calm down."
Ranbir, obeying her:"ok... ok."
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. But he opened them back instantly.

Ranbir, still excitedly:"we need to decide its name.... Hmmm what will we name if it's a boy...."
Prachi repeated her actions and once again:"please breathe.... Relax.... Follow me ok."

She took a deep breath and he did follow her. Both their eyes were closed, taking in deep breath.
And when Prachi felt that he is calmed down, she moved back.

And indeed he was calmer now.
Ranbir:"you must have gone to the doctor, what did he say?"
Prachi looked at him with a look like seriously.

Ranbir, noticing her glare:"i am calm... just asking."
Prachi, smilingly now:"yes i did go."
Her smiled disappeared as she remembered what the doctor said to her: about all the stress and how she was having pain.

Ranbir noticed her changed of expression and asked again.
There was nothing to hide now. She has to tell him.
Prachi, sadly:"Doctor said that i am too stressed and this is affecting the baby...."
He grew tensed immediately and unknowingly approached her and held her hands.

Prachi, continuing:"and due to stress, i am having pain. And if it continues there will be complications."
Ranbir was tensed but seeing her sad and worried face, he redeemed himself.

Ranbir:"its fine... we will take care of you and the little baby together. There will be no stress and no more fighting.
You and our little baby both will be healthy. This is my responsibility."
He side hugged her, in a way to comfort her.

Prachi looked at him and by her look, he knew what she was thinking: the reason behind all this stress. Their families. Especially Rhea.

He needs to correct his mistakes and handle Prachi with care and love. She needs it the most right now.

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