Drunk Prachi

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RR reception party:

Drunk Prachi.

Rhea, Pallavi and Aliya had successfully made her drink the spiked juice.
They smirked as they were watching her finishing the last sip.

Rhea:"now we wait a bit then we make her sign those papers."
The elder two ladies nodded smirking. Some guests called Pallavi and Rhea, so the trio left.

After a few minutes, Prachi started to feel lightweight. Everything was spinning and she tried to walk a few steps but couldn't. She lost her balance and was about to fall but two arms caught her.

Even in her drunken state, she knew who it was. Those arms were too familiar not to recognize them.
Prachi, laughingly:"Ranbir...."
Ranbir, concernedly:"are you okay?"
She looked at him and tried to focus but ended laughing.

Prachi, funnily:"one Ranbir wasn't enough that now we have 3... no 4 Ranbirs. But how is that possible?"

Ranbir, realising that she was drunk:"it's possible when you are this drunk? Come on, let's go."
He made her stand properly and helped her to walk till her room.
She followed him silently.

Prachi's room:
They both entered but Prachi closed the door and locked it. He didn't stop her, he was too concentrated trying to steady her and prevent her from hurting herself.

He made her sit on the edge of the bed and kneeled in front of her. He poured a glass of water and tried to make her drink it.
Prachi, cutely nodded no:"i want that juice. It was tasty."
Ranbir, confused:"juice? Who would put alcohol in juice?"
Prachi:"you said something?"
He nodded no.

Ranbir:"drink some water. I will bring juice later on."
He hummed.
Prachi, showing her little finger:"pinky promise."
He chuckled at her cute actions and abide to her.

She finally drank the water and wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked at her surprised.
Prachi, cutely:"sometime you still seems as my Ranbir and sometimes i feel like i don't know you at all."

She was blabbering but still trying to express herself. He was trying to understand, normally he didn't have to. But these misunderstandings were a big barrier.

Prachi, sadly and pouted:"why did you marry her?"
He also turned sad and guilty.
Ranbir, trying to explain:"i didn't have a choice..."

She nodded no:"you had... just like you had two years ago.... Then why?"
They just shared a painful eye lock.

Prachi, tears started to fall down her cheeks:"you got so angry when you thought that I gave your rights/love to someone else... but what happened now? Why did you give mine to her?
Didn't you think how much it would hurt me when i saw you marrying her?"

She made him touch her heart.
"It hurts so much... seeing you with her."
He looked at her sadly.

Prachi, emotionally:"i should hate you for that but it's not possible for me to hate you."
This brought tears to his eyes as well.

Her feelings and pain was coming out. Ranbir realised how much she was in pain. The alcohol brought out her emotions.

She wiped her tears and looked at him expectingly.
Prachi:"can we forget everything for tonight? Can you just hug me once?"
He watched her lovingly and emotionally nodded.

She threw herself in his arms, a moment that both of them have been waiting/ longing for so long.

Prachi:"how much i missed this...."
She sleepily looked at him.

Prachi:"but now, we need to celebrate now. I have the best news to tell you."
Ranbir, chuckling:"what is it?"

She thought about it and then nodded no.
Prachi, cutely:"it's a special news.... Very special, i won't tell you that easily. But celebration is a must."

She remembered how her belly was aching earlier and how his touch made her feel better.
She held his hands and encircled it around her waist. Unknowingly, he was close to them: to her and their baby.

She smiled cutely while he was confused. He was observing her moves.
Prachi:"you know, i was so excited to tell you this.... I knew you would have love it. You will still love it when i tell you, but i am scared."
He tried to remove his hands so that he could hold her properly but she didn't.

Ranbir, confused:"why scared?"
Prachi:"what if question this also? Then i won't bear it, Ranbir. Not on our...."
Ranbir, guilty:"you know, in this month, there hasn't been one instant that i didn't think of you."

Prachi:"then why didn't you come to pick me?"
Ranbir:"ego came in between, you left and i wanted you to come back on your own."

Prachi, cutely:"you are saying as if i left on my own. They told me to leave before you came back..."

He looked on as he was unaware of this. He thought that she left on her own.
Ranbir:"they kicked you out?"
She pouted and then nodded.

Prachi:"now don't let them do it again.... I want you to have that happiness along with me, but it's so complicated and messed up now. Why did you do this? Why didn't you trust me one month ago?"
She lightly hit him several times.

Ranbir just hugged her, he knew he should not have married Rhea. If he hadn't Prachi would have been with him without any problem. But most importantly, he should have trusted her.

Her soft sobs were piercing his heart. He promised to love and trust her. Then what had happened?

Ranbir, noticing her closing eyes:"you should sleep... come."
He brought her to the bed and made her lay down. But Prachi pulled him as well. As soon as he hit the bed, she hugged him not letting him go.

Prachi:"stay with us..."
He was confused hearing 'us' and was about to question her but she had already fell asleep then. He was thoughtful and decided to find out what she was hiding.

On the other side, the evil plan didn't succeed, they couldn't find Prachi and couldn't make her sign those papers.
They all were disappointed but Dida and Shahana smirked at them.

They saw Pranbir together and knew that the three ladies must have planned something seeing their disappointment.

Next morning:
Prachi was the first one to wake up. She rubbed her eyes adjusting them to the lights. She was about to wake up but she found a weight on her and looked. She grew tensed seeing Ranbir and immediately her eyes shot opened.

She tried to release herself when a sudden pain shoot in her and her hands went to her head, rubbing her forehead.

He woke up hearing her hissed in pain.
Concernedly, Ranbir:"are you okay?"
Prachi, not paying attention:"it's hurting."

Ranbir:"wait, wait...."
He touched her forehead and massaged it. This made her looked at him. She remembered his caring nature and how he would get worried if she is in the slightest pain.

Those memories brought tears in her eyes and she didn't realise when they started falling.
It's true that hormones are mixed up during pregnancy.
He also saw it and wiped it off.

Ranbir:"sleep a little bit more. It will ease the hangover. Anyway, i will take you to the doctor. Alcohol is not good in this state."
Prachi looked at him shocked and questioned herself.
"Did i tell him about our baby?"
She tried to read his face but couldn't. Her mind was not working properly due to the hangover.

He made her lay on his lap, massaging her head. She was about to sleep when they heard loud knocks at the door.

And this broke all their peacefulness. Prachi sat straight, while Ranbir was irritated.
But he knew that he messed up, now he has to solve this.

Hope you are liking it so far. And new story will be out tomorrow night.
Hope you will like that one as well. I tried something else there, let's see how it goes.

And thank you so much for everything guys❤️

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