Heartless (1)

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This chapter is dedicated to its_Prashika. Hope you will like it dear.
And sorry for the long wait...
I know you wanted it as a book, but right now I can't write a new book, so I'm making it a short series.

"It's not supposed to be good... It's supposed to be the best."
An angry voice echoed in the meeting room where dozen of employees sat facing the wrath of their boss.
All employees sat quietly because they knew the expectations of their boss and sadly due to circumstantial reasons, they didn't meet those expectations.

"I know you guys' potential, what's happening?"
This time, his voice was calmer... he needed to understand the reason behind their lacking. The employees stole glances at each other which their boss also noticed.
"Come on guys... say it. I won't know until you tell me the problem."

One brave employee began explaining the problem as their boss sat down.
"The technology we are using to create the game isn't up to mark. We are not using the top notch one. The graphics of the video game is lacking. We can't upgrade it any further, Ranbir Sir."
Ranbir sighed; he knew this problem and right now, he needed to upgrade his company.

Ranbir: "Thank you for your honesty. I will do something. You may go back to work."
As everyone left the meeting room, Ranbir once again sighed. He had built his gaming company from scratch not so long ago.

He had told his father: Vikram Kohli, the most successful entrepreneur of the country, to give him 6 months to prove himself capable before he was made the CEO.
He had refused every financial help from his father but now he was struggling. He had only one month left to prove himself... not to his father but to himself. He wanted to earn the CEO position on his own merit.

Recreation Hazards was the biggest video game company started by Vikram and would now be handled by Ranbir Kohli. But no-one is aware of that fact. Ranbir didn't want anyone to know until he had proven himself.
He recalled the moment he had stroke that deal with his father. The latter was proud of his son... pride that Ranbir could see in his father's eyes.

As he reflected on that; he couldn't help but feel disappointed. He didn't want his father to feel the same.
The door bursted open and Ranbir's eyes moved up to meet one of his best friends.
Aryan: "That was tensed..."

Ranbir: "You weren't even there..."
Aryan: "That doesn't mean that your employee doesn't gossip about you being in a sour mood."
Ranbir looked away; knowing that he was being too harsh. It wasn't their fault... it was his.

Aryan sat beside him.
"You know that I got a huge payment from my latest photoshoot. If you want..."
Ranbir's eyes moved to his best friend.
Aryan, raising his hands in surrender: "Just proposing."
Ranbir turned back to his files.

Aryan: "I can invest in it, Ranbir... it's not a big deal. And it's not like you are going to run away with my money."
Ranbir: "I don't want to..."
Aryan: "It was understandable when I was struggling with money. But now I have it and what are friends for... Let me invest in your business and you will return my money soon. I trust you."

Ranbir reflected on it and then told Aryan: "I am returning your money with interest."
Aryan was surprised and actually happy that Ranbir accepted: "Finally... after so much convincing.... I will write the cheque..."
Ranbir smiled gratefully at his best friend. He didn't want to accept money from someone else but right now he had no choice. He couldn't fail.

Aryan: "Now, please relax, one month is a long time. You will succeed."
Ranbir: "Thanks buddy..."
As they moved back to Ranbir's main office, Aryan had successfully lifted Ranbir's mood.
Aryan: "Remember, we should be the first one to play the game... otherwise I am retracting my money."

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