Love beyond limits (4)

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"Congratulations, Miss Arora. You are now officially a model for RK Fashion House for a year."
A woman informed Prachi who was extremely happy about securing a contract with them.

"We will let you know about your next project soon, until then rest."
Prachi, happily: "Thank you so much for this opportunity."
The woman smiled warmly at her. She exited the room excitedly like a small child.  However the seriousness of its members made her quiet down.
She stopped by the café and ordered one milkshake to celebrate her good news.

On the other hand:
Ranbir's assistant entered his cabin and placed a few files on his desk. The latter was focused on a new dress that he had imagined. And now he was drawing it.
His eyes didn't move to see who entered his cabin.

"Sir, Miss Prachi Arora has signed the one year contract mere minutes ago."
The mention of his love lady made him stop and finally his eyes moved to his assistant.
"Her file is on your table... now you decide which advertisement should be given to her."

Ranbir leaned back on his chair and then said.
"Let the team decide which one."
His assistant looked at him with frowned forehead.

"Sir? Sorry to ask this, but do you not like Miss Prachi?"
Ranbir looked at him neutrally and was thoughtful.
"I mean, for each and every model, you choose but only her."

Ranbir: "You are my assistant, so at one point you will know... I asked you about her details; not because I was interested in making her a model of our company."
The assistant's eyes grew big as he thought about the mistake he did.

Ranbir, continuing: "I did that because I love her..."
That realization made his assistant grew even more surprised.
Ranbir: "She got her job by her own merits and I don't want to interfere in that.
My company has treated each and everyone fairly and just because of my love for her, I wasn't going to change that."

"I am sorry, Sir. I didn't know..."
Ranbir: "It's fine.... Don't worry about that. Just inform the team that all decisions concerning Prachi and who was our last model before her?"
"Sir, Pooja."
Ranbir: "Decisions about these two would be taken by them. Because I am not going to make any for Prachi. It will be biased because I will always choose her."

His assistant nodded understandingly.
Ranbir: "Tell the team that it's a task for them so they don't find it odd. And yeah, since you are also aware of my love for her, you wouldn't form part of the team."
Once again, he nodded to his boss.

Ranbir: "One more thing, Prachi isn't aware of me being the RK who she works for and hasn't yet accepted me. So, no bothering her about that."
Once he made himself clear, the assistant left his cabin and informed Ranbir's team about the new development.
They had questioned his assistant but he didn't tell them anything except what Ranbir had conveyed.

Ranbir took out his phone and clicked on Prachi's name. After 2 rings, she picked it up.
Ranbir: "Congratulations, Babygirl... for being one of RK Fashion House Model."
He heard her grunt over the phone.

Prachi: "I signed it 15 minutes ago. I didn't even tell Shahana. How come you already know?"
Ranbir: "I know everything..."
Prachi: "Stalker much..."
Ranbir: "You must be very happy..."
Prachi: "I am excited... don't know what will my first advert be. But wait, why am I telling you this? Goodbye."

Ranbir: "See you tomorrow at 4 am."
Prachi: "What?"
Ranbir, amused: "Yeah your first self defense class is tomorrow."
Prachi: "At 4 am.... Am?"
Ranbir: "Yeah, because I can't after that."
Prachi: "6 am? I will be energised but 4?"
Ranbir: "I really can't."
Prachi: "Put me in another class."
Ranbir: "Can't happen... they are overbooked already."

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