My once in a lifetime person (1)

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This chapter is dedicated to Shiii8483.
Hope you will like it and I am extremely sorry for the lateness.

All the family members had regrouped around the table for breakfast; chatting and eating happily in each other's company.
But there wasn't only one family; the Mehras and Kohlis, all sat around the grand table together.

Abhi and Vikram had been best friends and partners. They have been inseparable and even now, their families lived together; under the same roof. Their families got along well along, the only fights that would occur were between their children.
Ranbir and Prachi had grown up together and were best friends.

Ranbir climbed down the stairs hurriedly and took his seat. However, his arrival had silenced everyone around the table.
He noticed the silence and looked around; wondering what he did.

Vikram: "Prince Ranbir... how come you woke up so early and that too by yourself?"
Ranbir looked on embarrassedly when Prachi came to him while serving him.
She whispered to Ranbir: "Tell Uncle that you haven't wake up early, in fact you didn't sleep at all because you made a bet with your girlfriend to reach college before her."

Ranbir, funnily, mouthed: "Go away..."
She chuckled at his reaction but indeed moved on to serve the others.
Pallavi: "Yes, Ranbir... how come?"
Ranbir, nervously: "Responsibilities, Dad... I have realised that even I have responsibilities... it's time to act on them."
Vikram looked on impressed along with the other family members.

Abhi, encouragingly: "That's very good, Ranbir..."
The latter thanked him, but they heard a little chuckle and looked at Prachi.
Ranbir began glaring at her, but he also had a ghost of a smile on his face.
His best friend knew as well that he was just giving an excuse.

They all had just began to eat when Pragya spoke.
"Prachi, you too eat."
Her eyes moved to Ranbir with a mischievous glint in them: "Maa, I have an early class today. So I have to go. I already packed my breakfast."
Ranbir's eyes grew bigger on hearing her and he dropped his spoon.

"Early class... I forgot. Even I have to go..."
They both took their bags and hurried to the door.
Abhi: "You are going to the same place, go together."
Pranbir looked at each other.

Ranbir: "Chief, I am going by bike today... and my best friend..."
He put his hand on her shoulder: "She is allergic to bikes..."
He teasingly tapped her nose while she looked away. She saw how everyone was looking at them and removed Ranbir's arm from her shoulder. He too realised that and stood straight.
Prachi: "Yes, Papa... I will take the cab..."
Abhi only nodded and then they left through different means of transport.

At college:
Ranbir rushed inside; his eyes looking for his girlfriend but she wasn't in sight. He had a little hope that he might have won the bet but he didn't want to be overconfident.
He still had to reach their secret spot.

As it was still early the corridors were almost empty, so he ran faster and reached the abandoned staircase. No-one used that spot so they had made it their meet-up place so no-one could see them.

He reached the door and opened it. He leaned onto the wall to catch his breath when he spotted her.
She had a victorious smile on her face while he glared a her funnily.
Ranbir: "That's not fair... I came by bike and still you got here before me, Prachi..."
She smilingly approached him: "Well, if you woke up early and came with me, you would have known about the shortcut."

As he finally caught his breath, he turned to her and let his hands wrapped around her waist. He pulled her closer to him and asked.
"So that means I have to do something for you since I lost the bet."
She nodded yes happily.

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