Liam sick on Christmas

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A/n I know it isn't Christmas anymore but I have had this in my drafts for a while and I want to do it. Liam and Niall are married and adopted two kids not a month before Christmas. One boy and one girl and they are biological siblings.
Niall: 28
Liam: 27
Luna: 3 years
Oscar: 2 months
Liam's pov

It is 2:31am on Christmas Day. I have been feeling really unwell since lunchtime yesterday and now I am feeling really nauseous. I don't want to say anything because I don't want to ruin Luna and Oscar's first Christmas with us. I curl into Niall and I try and go to sleep. About half an hour later Niall says "Liam what's wrong? You never normally move around this much" Niall turns on the lamp beside his bed he says "Oh Li you look really sick babe" I nod and gag slightly. Niall says "Let's try and make It to the bathroom babe" I shake my head knowing I am not going to make it because without warning I start throwing up all over myself and the bed

Niall's pov

I quickly go over to the other side of the room and I grab the bin and empt the contents on the floor not caring if it made a mess. Liam is more important than keeping a tidy bedroom and I take the bin over to him and put the bin under his chin just in time for another round of vomiting. I gently rub his back "Shh your ok babe" once he is done I take Liam into the bathroom and say to him "Why don't you have a warm shower while I clean the bed" he nods and I go back into our room and clean the bed.

Just as I finish cleaning the bed Oscar starts screaming. I go over to the co sleeper and pick him up "Hey it's ok buddy it's ok daddy's got you" I carefully check his nappy and see that he needs changing. I quickly change Oscar's nappy and he instantly stops screaming. I swaddle him back up and feed him a bottle before he falls back asleep. I smile at our little boy and gently place him in the co sleeper. Luckily he stayed asleep.

After a few minutes Liam walks in with a towel wrapped around his waist. I say to him "Did you check your temperature?" He nods and says "It was 38.7" I nod and hand him some loose clothes he says "But Niall I will freeze like that" I say "No you won't I will cuddle you. After I go and check on Luna" Liam nods I leave the room and go down to Luna's room and quietly open the door. I smile seeing my little girl asleep cuddling her stuffed puppy.

I go back to my and Liam's room and see him curled up in a ball shivering I lay down behind him and I pull him to my chest. He turns around and buries his face in my chest and soon I feel tears soaking though my top. I gently rub his back and say "What's wrong babe?" Liam says "I don't wanna ruin Christmas for Luna and Oscar" I say "Li babe you won't ruin Christmas for Luna and Oscar. It doesn't matter that you are sick" Liam nods slightly and I say "Why don't you go to sleep babe" he nods and closes his eyes. I gently rub his stomach and soon his soft snoring can be heard. I get lulled to sleep by his soft snoring.

At 4.50am still Niall's pov

I get woken up by Luna jumping on our bed "Daddy, papa it's Chwistmas(Christmas) we need to see what Santa brought" I open my eyes "Morning Lulu. Merry Christmas" she says "Papa needs to wake up" I say "Papa is feeling icky today Luna. We need to take care of him today yeah" Luna nods excitedly. "Let's cuddle here for a little while whilst papa sleeps" Luna nods and cuddles into my other side. About 10 minutes later I hear Liam whimper and I look down at him. I see his face is loosing colour quickly and going a greenish tint. He sits up and runs into the bathroom. I hear liquid hitting liquid and a loud retch. Luna jumps up and tries to go into the bathroom. I say "Luna I don't want you to get sick princess." She says "But papa is feeling icky" I nod and say "I will check on papa. You stay in here with Oscar" Luna nods and climbs back on the bed.

I go in the bathroom and see Liam on his knees in front of the toilet with his head resting on the toilet seat. I gently rub his back and say "Do you think you are done?" He shakes his head sadly and whimpers as he gags over the toilet "I think you are empty babe" he gags and brings up a small amount of vomit in the toilet before he collapses against me to weak to hold himself up. I flush the toilet and help Liam up. We go back into our room "Papa Santa has been for me and Oscar" Liam smiles and says "Hey Lulu. Let's go and see what Santa has brought you and Oscar" I say to Liam "Are you going to be alright to go downstairs?" He nods and I go over to Oscar and see that he is awake. I quickly change his nappy and change him into an outfit that says It's my first Christmas and Luna gets into her Christmas dress

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