Liam falls out a tree (request)

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Prompt- Liam falls out of a tree

Requested by- 1D_luvs_spoons

Liam's pov

We have just finished our on the road again tour and we are all board. We are all playing a bit of football outside in our garden. Louis kicks the ball and it lands in the top branch of the tallest tree in the garden. I say "I'll go and get it." Niall says to me "Be careful babe" I nod and start to climb the tree.

Once I am at the top I carefully grab the ball with one hand and I yell to the others "I'LL CHUCK THE BALL DOWN FIRST." I carefully throw the ball and I slowly start to climb out of the tree. I haven't even got a quarter of the way down when I loose my footing I scream and start to fall the rest of the way. I feel my head hit something hard then nothing.

Niall's pov

Liam has just thrown the ball down to us and he starts to climb back down the tree. I hear him screaming but then it stops. I run over to the base of the tree and see him unconscious with blood coming from his head, nose arm and leg. I yell worried for my Lili's health "Someone call an ambulance." Louis rushes over and says "I'll go and get some cloths. Harry is calling an ambulance now" I nod and watch my boyfriend. I bite my lip to try and stop the tears from falling.

A couple of minutes later both Harry and Louis run over to me. I take one cloth and gently try and find the cut on Liam's head without moving him too much. Harry says "The ambulance should be here in a five minutes" I nod and look down at Liam who is unconscious and barely breathing.

About five minutes later the paramedics rush over and loads Liam onto the stretcher and says "One person can come with us" I nod and say "I'll go" both Louis and Harry nods and I follow the paramedics out to the ambulance. When we are going to the hospital the paramedics hook Liam up to oxygen and one of them asks me "How far down the tree did he fall?" I say "I think he got about a quarter of the way down the tree we were by." The paramedic nods and we arrive at the hospital.

Liam get rushed straight back and I am told to wait in the waiting room. I burry my face in my hands and I sob silently whilst I wait for Harry and Louis.

About ten minutes later I feel gentle hands on my back and I look up and see Harry sat one side of me and Louis on the other. Louis says "any news?" I shake my head and burry my face back in my hands again as Louis and Harry rub my back.

About an hour later still Niall's pov

I hear someone say "Liam Payne." We are instantly up and I am the first one to the nurse I say to the nurse "How is he? Is he alright?" The nurse takes us into a room and says "Liam is awake but he has quite a few injuries. He has broken 2 ribs, broken his left arm in 2 places, broken his right leg in 2 places, he has a concussion and some minor memory loss. He remembers most of today but he says it is a little fuzzy. He has had surgery to set the bones in his leg and arm " I nod and say "Can we see him" the nurse nods and says "He is dosed up on pain medications at the moment though so he might be drowsy for a while." We all nod and the nurse takes us to Liam's room where the doctor is finishing up the final parts of Liam's checks.

As soon as Liam spots me he smiles and says "My Nini" I smile at him and take his hand that isn't in the cast. I say to him comfortingly "How do you feel babe?" He says vulnerably "I'm tired and hurt everywhere" the doctor says "The pain medication should kick in soon" we all nod and the doctor says "Buzz if you need anything" I nod and the doctor leaves the room. Liam says to me quietly "Nini can I have a gentle cuddle?" I nod and I carefully get onto his bed and allow him to cuddle into me. I gently smooth his hair out of his face and I smile down at him. I kiss him on the forehead. I say to him "You had me so worried babe. I'm glad you are alright now though" Liam nods and yawns but winces in pain and holds his chest with his good hand. I gently rub his back and kiss him on the forehead again. "Why don't you go to sleep babe" Liam nods slightly and tries to get comfortable before he falls asleep

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz