Liam strep throat

541 14 0

Louis 18
Zayn 17
Niall 17
Harry 16
Liam 16

Liam and Niall knew each other before x-factor and they are in a relationship

Liam's pov

We are at Harry's step dad's bungalow whilst we are getting to know each other. I know Niall because we spent a year in Ireland together and we got together in a relationship. When I moved back to England I kept in contact with Niall so we are still together. I wake up one morning cuddled with Niall and my throat killing me. I whimper and rub my throat "Are you ok babe?" I shake my head and whisper "My throat hurts" I feel Niall rub my back. I bury my face in Niall's shoulder and sob quietly

Niall's pov

I rub Liam's back. I missed holding him but I hate the fact that he isn't feeling well. I whisper comforting words to him and I rub his back gently. "Shhh babe you're ok" he shakes his head I say "Liam babe you need to calm down. All this crying will make your throat worse" I feel Liam nod against my chest and he slowly calms down I say to him "Shall we go downstairs?" He shakes his head and I say "You do feel quite warm babe. Let's go downstairs and see if Harry has a thermometer anywhere" again Liam shakes his head. I sigh and say "Liam we need to go downstairs at some point" Liam shakes his head again. I say "I'm hungry though. Can I go and get something to eat" Liam finally agrees to come downstairs with me.

We sit at the table and Liam leans his head on my shoulder. Harry says "Is he ok?" I respond "He says he has a sore throat. Li do you want anything to eat?" He says quietly rubbing his throat "Nothing that is hard to swallow" I nod and Harry says "Would you like some cereal" Liam shrugs Harry grabs some cereal for Liam and me. He puts it down in front of us. I start to eat and I say "Where's Louis and Zayn?" Harry responds "I don't think they are up yet" I nod and say to Liam "Li eat some breakfast please" he looks at the bowl and sees a spoon. He closes his eyes and I see a tear trickle down his face. He says quietly "No spoon" I notice what he was looking at and I see a spoon. I take it out of the bowl and Harry looks confused I mouth to him "He is scared of spoons" Harry nods. I say to Liam "The spoon is gone" Liam nods and Harry hands him a fork. Liam smiles and puts a mouthful in his mouth. When he swallows he whimpers. He eats about half before he buries his face in my shoulder. He starts shaking in silent sobs. I gently rub his back and say "You're ok babe. Please don't cry. I hate it when you cry" he slowly begins to calm down and I say "Are you ok Liam?" He shakes his head and I say "Does your throat still hurt? You still feel warm" He nods I say "Harry do you have a thermometer anywhere, Liam feels really warm" Harry nods and says "I'll just go and get it. Why don't you and Liam go and sit in the living room" I nod

I take Liam into the living room. "Liam can I have a look at your throat?" Liam nods and lifts his head out of my shoulder. I turn on my torch on my phone and I say "Open up Liam" he nods and opens his mouth as wide as it can go "Oh babe your throat is really red and swollen and you have small red dots on the roof of your mouth, last time you had them you had strep throat. You are really not feeling well are you?" He shakes his head and I kiss his head and he cuddles into me.

Harry comes downstairs and hands me the thermometer "Thanks. Li open up babe" he nods and allows me to put the thermometer in his mouth. Once it beeps I take the thermometer out of Liam's mouth "38.4 babe. Not as high as normal. We'll keep an eye on your fever" he nods and says quietly "I want mum" I nod and say. "I'll phone her for you" he nods and I grab my phone. I click on Karen's name. I ring her and she answers on the third ring "Hello Niall, how are you?" I respond "I'm ok, Liam isn't feeling well though. He wants to speak to you" Karen responds "Of course I'll talk to him" I hand the phone to Liam.

Liam's pov

"Hi Liam. I hear you're not feeling well" I respond "No my throat hurts. I don't feel well" my mum says "Do you want to come home honey?" I respond "I wanna stay here" she responds "Good boy. I'm sure the others will look after you. Especially Niall like when dad and I left you in Ireland with the Horans whilst we were looking for a house over in England again" I nod and respond "Yeah he already is" I start crying because of the pain in my throat when I talk "It hurts to talk mum" my mum says "Call me back when you are better. Let me speak to Niall" I nod and say "Bye mum love you" she responds "Love you too Liam" I hand the phone back to Niall

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