Liam chickenpox

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Liam's pov

We have just finish our up all night tour and Lux has come down with the chickenpox. I don't remember having the chickenpox when I was little. I've just texted my mum to ask her. I look at my arm and I spot a red spot and I get really worried. Niall walks into our room. I quickly roll down my sleeve "Are you ok babe?" I nod. Niall sits down and pulls me into a hug. "You feel warm are you sure that you are ok?" I shrug and say "I don't remember if I had the chickenpox and my mum hasn't responds "I'm sure you have had the chickenpox before" I nod and see a text from my mum saying 'No you have never had chickenpox before. Why?' I text back saying 'Lux has the chickenpox and I think I have court them' I put my phone down and cuddle further into Niall "Ok now I know you are not feeling well. Sure you love cuddles but never normally this much" I respond sadly "I think I have the chickenpox. I've never had them before. Just hold me" Niall nods and holds me close.

After a few minutes Louis comes upstairs and barges into mine and Niall's room and says "Dinner is ready Haz cooked for us" Niall nods and tries to stand up but I whine "Don't leave me" Niall responds "I'm not going to. You need to come down as well" I respond sadly "I'm not hungry." Niall responds "Well I am can you come down with me?" I shake my head. I hear Niall sigh and say to Louis "We'll be down in a minute" Louis nods and leaves the room "come on Li. We need to go and get some dinner. You'll be hungry otherwise. I promise after dinner we can come back upstairs and cuddle or we can cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie" I nods and we go downstairs.

After dinner Niall's pov

Liam is lead with his head in my lap and his legs are across Louis, Harry and Zayn practically asleep but he is fighting it because he wants to finish watching the lion king. I whisper to him "You won't miss much now. Go to sleep babe you are tired" Liam nods and cuddles into me more and closes his eyes and soon he is asleep.

At the end of the movie I say to the others "I'm going to take him up to bed and stay upstairs with him" they nod and I carefully pick Liam up and carry him upstairs. I gently lay Liam down in the bed and I get changed and I crawl into bed next to Liam. I pull him to my chest and he cuddles into me more. I smile. I check his chest face, arms and legs for spots he has a few on his chest, and legs and he has loads on his arms. I go on my phone for a while before I start yawning. I put my phone down and I fall asleep quickly hoping to get a few hours sleep.

A few hours later Liam's pov

I get woken up in a lot of itchiness and discomfort especially on my stomach and back and arms. I scratch my stomach. Tears start to well up in my eyes. A tear falls down my face. Niall must have woken up to me moving around a lot. He pulls my hands away from my stomach "Stop scratching" I respond "They are too itchy though" Niall gently rubs my stomach "I know babe but you can't scratch them. We'll get you to a doctor tomorrow" Niall let's go of my hands and I start to scratch my arms.

Niall sighs and gets out of bed. He goes over to the wardrobe and grabs something out. He comes back over and I spot socks. He pulls my hand to him and he puts a sock on my hand and does the same to the other "Why did you put socks on my hands?" I respond "So you will stop scratching your spots." I frown and whine "but they are so itchy" I try to take the socks off my hands but Niall grabs my hands in his and says "No Li you are not allowed to scratch it could give you permanent scars" I look down with tears welling up in my eyes. Niall lifts my head up and hugs me "I know it itches but you have got to try really hard not to scratch ok" I nod into Niall's shoulder. "Go back to sleep babe. We'll go to the doctor tomorrow morning." I nod and we lay down and I close my eyes.

Niall's pov

I hum a soft tune to Liam to help him fall asleep. He is soon asleep. I smile and hold him protectively. I close my eyes and fall asleep. I get woken up a few hour later by Liam shaking me. "Are you ok Li?" He shakes his head and says with tears falling "Can I take the socks off my hands?" I shake my head and say "No. You are not allowed to scratch" Liam responds "I'm not going to. The socks are making my hands itch" I takes the socks off his hands and I look at them and see loads of spots on them. I take a proper look at his face and I see loads of spots on his face. "It's so itchy Niall" I gently rub his back and I say to him gently "let's make you a doctors appointment" Liam nods and I go to phone 111 (a/n the non emergency number for the NHS in the uk).

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