Lilo- Liam sick on louis' birthday

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Louis' pov

I get woken up at a random time in the night to whimpering. I look down at Liam and see that he is sweating and looks very pale. I put a hand on his forehead and I instantly pull away, he is burning up. I grab my phone to check the time. I see that it is 12:07am on the 24th December. I hear Liam whimper again. I quietly get out of bed and I go and grab the thermometer.

I go back into my bedroom and gently shake Liam "Li wake up babe" Liam slowly opens his eyes. I look into his eyes and see that they are glassed over and red. "Oh Li, you are not feeling well are you?" Liam shakes his head sadly. I gently place the thermometer in Liam's ear and press the button. Once the thermometer beeps I gently take the thermometer out of Liam's ear "38.9. Liam, I am just going to get a cold cloth and some other things ok" Liam shakes his head "Stay" I sigh and say "I need to, I'll be back in two minutes" I quickly leave the room and grab the bucket from downstairs and medicine, then I grab a glass of water for Liam.

I go into the bathroom and run a flannel under some cold water and I go back to our room. I measure out the correct amount of fever reducers and stomach relaxers. I say to Liam "Open up Li." He shakes his head and keeps his mouth shut tight. "Li, this will make you feel better. Can you try for me please? I've got some water for you to have after" Liam opens his mouth wide enough for me to put the medicine in his mouth "Swallow Li, it will make the taste go" Liam swallows the medicine "That was disgusting" I smile at Liam and hand him the water "Take slow sips of your water, then we can get some more sleep" Liam nods and slowly takes some sips of his water. He places it down and cuddles into my side. I put the could flannel on his head and I start to rub his sore stomach. He slowly falls asleep again. I smile and continue to rub his stomach until I fall asleep myself.

Liam's pov at 3am

I wake up feeling really nauseous. I shake Louis and say "Lou, I feel sick" I start gaging. I shake Louis again with one arm and I wrap the other arm around my stomach. I feel bile rise up in my throat. I quickly lean over the bed before I start to throw up. I feel someone rub my back "Shhh you're doing so well" I feel Louis start to pull me up slowly once I am sat up he hands me the bucket. I lean over it and throw up once more before I start dry heaving. Louis rubs my back "I don't think you have anything in your stomach Li" I start crying feeling really bad that I threw up on the floor and the pain in my stomach. Louis pulls me into a hug and says "Oh Li, sh your ok. Why are you crying for?" I respond saying "I threw up on the floor and my tummy hurts" Louis rubs my back and says "It doesn't matter about the floor. I can clean it up ok" I nod and Louis hands me the water "Take slow sips babe" I nod and start to drink the water slowly. Louis carefully gets out of bed and starts to clean up the vomit on the floor. "Lou, I wanna cuddle" Louis smiles at me and says "Let me just clean up the floor then I will cuddle with you" I nod and lay down with my arms rapped tightly around my stomach.

Louis pov

I smile sadly at Liam and continue to clean up the sick on the floor. Once the floor was clean I carefully get back into bed and pull Liam gently to my chest. He cuddles into me and I rub his sore stomach "Lou, sorry I threw up on the floor and you had to clean it up on your birthday" I continue to gently rub his stomach and say "I don't mind Li, I love looking after you even on my birthday" I smile at him and say "Get some rest Lili. Hopefully you'll feel better in the morning." Liam smiles and closes his eyes and he falls asleep. I smile and fall asleep myself.

At 930am still Louis pov

I feel someone shake me. I open my eyes slightly and see Liam was shaking me. "Lou I've thrown up in my sleep on the bed" I open my eyes the rest of the way. I look at Liam and see he has got silent tears falling down his face. "Oh Li, it doesn't matter, we can wash the sheets yeah" Liam nods. "I'm sorry" I smile at him and take Liam into the bathroom. I grab a flannel and get it wet and I gently wipe Liam's face from the vomit. I place a hand on his forehead. "Li can I take your temperature" Liam nods and I grab the thermometer and gently place it in his ear and I press the button "39.1. Your fever is on the climb again. Let's get you in the bath then we can wash the vomit out of your hair." Liam nods and I fill up the bath with water. Once the bath is full up to a decent level I carefully help Liam out of his vomit covered clothes and help him into the bath.

I gently wash Liam's hair "Lou I'm tired" I gently continue to rub shampoo in his hair and say to him "I know babe once your fever is down you can go to sleep." I carefully wash the shampoo out of his hair and I grab the thermometer and put it in his ear. "38.1 you can get out now Liam" Liam nods and gets out of the bath. I hand Liam a towel. "I'm going to get you some clean clothes and change the sheets" Liam nods.

I go into our bedroom and I grab some clean clothes for Liam. I go back into the bathroom and hand Liam the clothes. I grab a clean sheet and pillow cases. "Come into the bedroom once you are dressed" Liam nods and I go back into our bedroom and I quickly change the sheets. Harry walks into our bedroom "Harry, you scared me. Knock next time. I could have been getting dressed." Harry laughs "Happy birthday, where's Liam? Why did you have to change your sheets?" I sigh. "I woke up last night or early this morning Liam is sick. He must of threw up in the night in his sleep" Liam walks into the bedroom and leans his head on my shoulder "I don't feel well" I gently rub his back and say got him "I know bud I know. Can I go and wash the sheets and your clothes?" Liam nods and I go to leave the room. "Lou I wanna come" I gently take Liam's hand and carefully lead Liam downstairs. "Sit on the sofa Li. I will go and put these in the washing machine" Liam nods and sits down next to Harry.

I go into the kitchen and put the bathroom dirty sheets and Liam's dirty clothes in the washing machine and set it off. I go back into the living room and sit on the other side of Liam, he leans on me and whimpers. I gently rub his stomach. "Would you like some medicine?" Liam shakes his head and whimpers. I sigh "It'll make you feel better Li" Liam shakes his head again "It'll make me sick" I gently rub his stomach. "Li try once then if it makes you sick I won't make you take the medicine again." Liam nods and Harry hands me the medicine and I pop out two paracetamol and hand Liam the pills and water "Take the medicine and drink that water but take slow sips" Liam nods and takes the medicine and drinks all of the water. He leans his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes. He very quickly falls asleep.

A couple of minutes later Niall and Zayn come downstairs and Zayn says "Happy birthday Louis" I smile and say "Thanks" Niall looks at Liam "Happy birthday. Is Liam ok?" I sigh and respond "Thanks. Liam is sick" Niall sighs and says "He's never sick unless we have so much planned" I nod and say "I know, he feels terrible about being sick on my birthday" Zayn says "It's not his fault he is sick. Is he throwing up" I nod and quickly add knowing Zayn doesn't have the strongest stomach when it comes to vomit "If he throws up I will try and get him to the bathroom before he does" Zayn nods.

About 15 minutes later Liam's pov

I wake up feeling a strong cramp go through my stomach. I whimper which must of got Louis attention "Are you ok Liam?" I shake my head "I feel sick" I feel Louis rubbing my back "Do you think you might be sick?" I nod. Louis pulls me up and we start to walk to the bathroom "Lou. 'M gonna be sick" I slap a hand to my mouth and gag. I feel Louis pick me up and he carries me to the bathroom. I kneel down by the toilet and I start gaging over the toilet.

Louis pov

Liam throws up in the toilet. I gently rub his back. He starts crying as he throws up more "Oh Li, it's ok" he throws up a couple more times before he falls back on me. "Do you think you are done Li?" Liam shrugs. I carefully manage to flush the toilet still holding Liam on me. "Li can grab the thermometer so I can check your fever?" Liam nods and allows me to get up. I grab the thermometer and place it gently in his ear and I press the button. "38.7. Do you think you have finished throwing up?" Liam nods and says "For now. I just wanna sleep" I nod and grab a cloth and wet it in cold water and I lead Liam back to the living room.

Once we are in the living room I lay Liam down on the sofa that the others are not occupying and I lay his head on my lap and put the cold flannel on his head. "Lou it's cold" I rub my fingers through his hair and respond "We need to lower you fever and you won't be able to stay awake long enough to take a bath or shower. You can go to sleep if you want" Liam nods and quickly falls asleep.

No one's pov

It took Liam 1 week to get better from the stomach bug but Louis ended up catching the bug and Liam looked after him.

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