Liam sick and wants Louis but he is not there

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Liam's pov

We have just finished our on the road again tour. Louis has gone to spend some time with his family for a few weeks. He is coming back next week. Today I feel really nauseous for the past couple of days I have been feeling off and now my stomach is sloshing about. I wish Louis was here right now. I feel like I am going to be sick soon I start to sit up in my bed. As soon as I am sat up I start vomiting on the bed which makes me cry. I hear my bedroom door opening and I feel someone sit on the bed next to me.

I throw up one more time before I look up and see Harry. I say in tears "M sorry I didn't mean to throw up on my bed" Harry says "Hey buddy don't worry about it. It doesn't matter. We can clean it up" I cry more and say "I want LouLou Hazza" Harry says "Lou will be back next week. Come on Liam let's get you out of these sicky clothes yeah." I nod and Harry helps me out of bed.

Harry's pov

I help Liam out of bed and he takes off his vomit covered clothes and I hand him some more clothes and he says "I want LouLou" and he starts crying again. I gently pull him into a hug and I gently rub his back. "Hey don't cry buddy. How about we go downstairs and call him yeah and I will come back upstairs to clean your bed yeah" he nods and I lead him downstairs where we find Niall on the sofa watching a movie. Niall looks up and spots us and say "Are you ok Liam?" He shakes his head and says "My head and tummy hurts. I want LouLou" Niall pouts and says "Poor Liam." I nod and say "He threw up in his bed" Niall says "I'll go and clean it if you want. Because Lou isn't here he will probably want you to stay with him because you found him like that." I nod and lead Liam to the sofa and he instantly lays down and gives me a puppy look. I sit down and he curls into me.

I say to him "Do you want me to try and call Louis?" He nods and I grab my phone. I click on Louis name and I press the call button. It goes straight through to the answer phone. I decide to leave a voice mail "Hey Lou. Sorry to bother you when you are with your family. Could you please give me a call when you can. It is important but nothing to worry about. Thanks" I end the call and Liam looks up at me and I smile at him but he gives me a sad look and my heart melts.

A few minutes later Niall comes downstairs with Liam's dirty stuff. He says "I'm just going to put these in the washing machine" I nod and Niall goes into the kitchen.

My phone suddenly starts ringing and I pick it up and see Louis is calling me. I answer the phone and say "Hey Louis" Louis says "Hi Haz, sorry I was baby sitting for my mum and Dan. What's up? Why did you need me to call you?" I say "Liam's sick. He keeps on saying he wants you." He says sounding concerned "Do I need to come home. I can see if my mum still needs me here or not" I say "No me and Niall has got it. If we need help we will call you." Louis says "Could I speak to him?" I say "Of course" I put my phone on speaker and I say "Lou you are on speaker" Louis says "Hey Liam. I hear you are not feeling well" Liam starts crying and says "LouLou. I don't feel well. My tummy and head hurts and I am tired but I want to talk to you Louis" Louis says "Oh lad you are really not well are you?" He shakes his head and I say "He shook his head" Louis said "Li why don't you go to sleep. I promise I will call you everyday yeah" Liam nods and says "Yeah. I miss you LouLou" Louis says "I miss you too Lili get some sleep" Liam nods and closes his eyes and soon he is fast asleep. I say to Louis "He is asleep now." Louis says "Yeah. Bless him he sounds so sick. You'll keep me updated with him won't you Harry" I say "Of course I will Louis. I wouldn't keep anything like that from you." Louis says "I need to go. My mum is calling me" I say "Alright Lou. See you next week" Louis says "See you next week." and the call ends.

A week later no ones pov

Liam felt better after 5 days and as soon as Louis walked in the door Liam attacked him in a massive hug which Louis returned without hesitation.

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