Liam hurt whilst filming what makes you beautiful

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Liam's pov

Today we are filming what makes you beautiful and it is our first music video so we are all very excited to shoot the video. It is the second day of filming and Louis has just came up with the idea of jumping off the ledge.

Louis has climbed back up and I am sat on the edge about to jump when Louis knocks into me. I fall and land funny on my right ankle and fall to the ground. I bite my lip to not make any noise of pain. Niall appears in my sight and he says to me "Are you alright babe?" I shake my head. "No. My ankle. I'll be fine" I try to stand up but I fall the minute I try and put weight on my right leg. Niall helps me up and I see everyone else close by and Louis says "You ok Payno?" I nod and limp over to where we are shooting the next bit.

Niall's pov

I am worried about Liam. He says he is fine but his ankle looks quite swollen. We all catch up to him and I say "You sure you are able to finish babe?" Liam nods and says "Only a few more scenes to shoot then I will rest" I look at Liam suspiciously and say "Alright if you are sure" Liam nods

Once the video has finished shooting still Niall's pov

As soon as the director yells "That's a wrap" Liam instantly falls to the ground whimpering. I walk over to him and say "You should have sat out babe" I help him up and I see the tears in his eyes and he bites his lip. I say "Hey don't do that" Louis comes over and lifts Liam's other arm up and we carefully lift Liam up and we carry Liam to the trailer where our dressing room is followed by Harry and Zayn.

Harry says "I'll go and grab an ice pack" I nod and Zayn says "I'll get bandages" I nod again I am so glad I don't have to take off any shoes since we didn't have any on. I gently lift up Liam's bad leg onto the sofa and I say "Li you ankle is swollen babe" Liam nods and bites his lip again I gently smooth his hair and say "Don't bite your lip babe. That will hurt" he whines and says "My ankle really hurts Nini" Louis says "I think we need to get you to A&E" I nod in agreement

Harry and Zayn come in with the first aid kit and an ice pack. I gently apply the ice pack it Liam's ankle and he lets out his first cry. I say to him gently "You're alright babe" I gently hug him as Harry holds the ice pack in place so Zayn can put the bandage around his ankle. Louis holds Liam's hand and Liam squeezes it tightly.

At A&E still Niall's pov

Liam has refused to let me leave him. I don't mind though I need to know if Liam is going to be alright. We are waiting for Liam's name to be called and Liam is curled up in my lap whimpering quietly still with the ice pack and bandages on his ankle. "Liam Payne" I stand up carrying Liam with me.

We go into the room and the doctor says "What happened?" Liam looks up at me and I say "We were shooting our music video and Louis decided to jump off something and Liam was sat on the edge and Louis accidentally bumped into Liam knocking him off the edge and to the floor landing funny and hurt his ankle" the doctor nods and says "Can I unwrap his bandage?" I nod and I hold Liam's hand and he grips it as the doctor unwraps his bandage. The doctor has a look at Liam's ankle and says "I don't think it is broken but I would like an X-ray just to be sure" I nod and Liam gets taken down to the X-ray.

After the X-ray still Niall's pov

Liam is falling asleep on me mainly due to the strong pain killers he is on at the moment. He says "Ni bear I'm tired" I say "I know baby bear. Only a few more minutes then you can get some sleep." I gently kiss his forehead then on the lips and he kisses back. I break apart and Liam leans his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes and soon his soft snoring can be heard.

About five minutes later the doctor comes back in and says "Has he fallen asleep?" I nod and the doctor continues "His ankle is only badly sprained. I am going to put a boot on him and give him crutches to use for the first two weeks and the boot needs to be on for four weeks. He is able to take his boot off for a shower as well" I nod and I smooth his hair as the doctor puts on Liam's boot. He stays asleep and I smile. Once the boot is on I say "Thanks for everything" the doctor nods and responds "Your welcome"

I carry Liam out to the car and we drive to the hotel. I carry Liam in the hotel luckily there is no fans and I carry him to the lifts. I press the floor button and we go up. Once we are on the floor I carry Liam to our room and manage to open the door. I lay Liam in our bed and I gently tug off his jeans and I put joggers on him before I do the same to myself. I get into bed next to him and I pull Liam close to me. He smiles in his sleep and cuddles into me further. I smile and fall asleep myself

4 weeks later no one's pov

Liam is now out of the boot and is feeling much better. Niall took care of Liam for the whole four weeks and they are all more careful when it comes to messing around

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