Liam hurt whilsst filming little things

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Liam's pov

Today we are filming little things. We have almost finished the video shoot we are taking a little break and me and Niall are play fighting whilst the other boys are out getting us lunch. I fake a swing on Niall and I miss him. Niall gently pushes me onto the chair that is behind me and pretends to take a few swings at me and I do it right back to him.

Niall takes another fake swing at me but he doesn't miss my face. He accidentally punched me in the nose. I put my hand to my nose and try not to make any noise of pain. Niall looks at me and says sounding really upset "Li I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to actually punch you" I say "I know Niall. I know you wouldn't punch me on purpose we were playing" Niall says "Let me have a look at your nose" I nod and take my hand away from my nose. Niall gasp and drags me to the bathroom.

Niall's pov

I feel really bad for punching Liam in the face. I tell him "Let me have a look at your nose" Liam nods and takes his hand away from his nose. His nose is bleeding quite a bit as well. I gasp and grab his hand and drag him to the bathroom. I grab some toilet roll and I put it on Liam's nose and apply pressure I say "Lean your head down babe and breath through your mouth" Liam nods and leans his head down in my other hand I grab a lot more toilet roll knowing I will probably need more. I say "I'm going to lead you to a chair to sit on" Liam nods slightly.

I lead Liam to the chair where I accidentally punched him and I sit him down. I continue to apply pressure to Liam's nose as Paul walks in "What happened here?" I say "Me and Liam were play fighting and I accidentally actually punched Liam in the face and now he has got a nosebleed." I look back at Liam and I quickly change the toilet roll that I was using because it has quite a bit of blood on it. About ten minutes later Paul says "Let me have a look" Niall nods and I gently take off the toilet roll. Paul has a look and says to Liam "Your nose is now fine. You don't need to go to the hospital since your nose isn't broken" both me and Liam nods and I am so relieved that I didn't accidentally break Liam's nods. Paul stands up and leaves the room. I gently hug Liam and say "I'm so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry Liam. I really didn't mean to punch you" Liam hugs back and says "I know you didn't. As I said before we were playing. Accidents happen. I still love you" I smile and say "I love you too" I gently kiss Liam on the lips. I hear the door open but I don't care. Louis says "What is going on in here?" Harry says "Why is there bloody tissues around" I say "To answer your question Louis. Liam and I are together. We have been for about two months and to answer your question Harry. Liam and I were play fighting and I accidentally punched Liam in the nose" Zayn says "Is Liam alright?" I nod and say "Yeah he's fine aren't you Liam?" Liam nods and says "I am fine. Niall looked after me

A few weeks later no one's pov

The video got edited and both the behind the scenes and the actual music video are live and they get good feedback from both

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