Lilo- Liam sick from Louis

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Liam's pov

We are half way through our on the road again tour. Zayn has just left the band. Louis has just recovered from an awful stomach bug. Luckily we had a few days off for him to recover. It is about 3 am and I have woken up feeling really nauseous. I slowly curl into Louis needing some comfort. I hear Louis say "Li get some sleep babe. We are really busy tomorrow." I nod and say quietly "Cuddle me" I feel Louis pull me gently to his side and he kisses my forehead.

Louis' pov just before that

I feel Liam curl into me more. I frown feeling the heat from him. I say to him without opening my eyes  "Li get some sleep babe. We are really busy tomorrow" I feel Liam nod and he says quietly "Cuddle me." I gently pull Liam to my side and I gently kiss him on the forehead. I frown at how warm he feels. I gently rub his stomach and soon he is fast asleep. I smile and fall asleep as well.

A few hours later still Louis' pov

I get woken up by Liam retching. I open my eyes and don't see Liam. I go over to the bathroom and knock on the door. "Li babe, are you alright in there?" I hear Liam whimper and I say "Can I come in Liam?" I hear Liam whimper and say "Yeah" before I hear liquid splashing into the water with a loud retch.

I walk into the bathroom. I kneel down next to Liam and gently rub his back. I say to him "How long have you been in here babe?" Liam shrugs and hovers back over the toilet again before he throws up. I gently rub his back. He throws up twice more before he collapses against me. I instantly worry because he feels really warm. I say to Liam. "Li babe can I go and get the thermometer from our room?" Liam shakes his head and I say "Li I need to check your temperature" Liam shakes his head again and I say "Li I need to babe then hopefully you can get out of today's activities." Liam finally nods and I carefully get out of Liam's grip and I go into our room.

I grab the thermometer and take it back to Liam. I kneel down next to him and gently put the thermometer in his ear I press the button. Once it beeps I have a look at the thermometer and say "39.9. Li we need to cool you down. Your fever is too high." I quickly run Liam a cool bath and then help him to strip out of his sweat soaked clothes. Liam instantly starts shivering and he starts crying. I gently rub his back and say "Shh you are alright." Once the bath is at a decent level I help Liam into the bath and he instantly starts crying. I start to wash his hair and say to him "It's alright Liam. You'll be ok." I continue to wash Liam's hair.

Once I have washed Liam's hair I make him sit in the bath for another ten minutes before I take the thermometer and put it in his ear. I press the button. Once the thermometer beeps I take the thermometer out of Liam's ear and say "38.7. That's much better than before Liam." Liam nods and I grab a towel. I unplug the drain and say "Out you get then babe." Liam reaches up to be carried. I smile and gently lift him up wrapping him in the towel as I do.

I carry Liam back to the main room. I put Liam on the bed and get him some loose fitting clothes. I quickly help him to dry off seeing he is pretty much asleep. I help him get dressed and he whines and says "M cold" I lay in bed next to him and pull him to my side. I pull the duvet over us and I rub his stomach. He is instantly asleep. I grab my phone and see it is 6am. There is no point in going to sleep now.

I hear Liam softly snoring. I carefully get out of bed. I go over to the kitchenette and I ring our management. After a couple of rings our manager answers and says "No you can not have any more time off." I say "Liam is now sick with the same bug I had. We have been up half the night." Our manager says "We are behind schedule. You boys are only going on the bus today I'm sure Liam will be fine on the bus" I sigh and say "Fine. What time do we need to leave?" Management says "Now I was about to send Niall up to your room to wake you up. Come down to the bus now." I sigh and say "Liam has only just gone back to sleep. Can Niall come up and help me. I am going to carry him down to the bus" our manager says "Fine I'll send him up now." I nod and end the call.

I quickly pack up the few bits we had out. I hear Liam whimpering. I go over to the bed and gently rub his stomach. Soon he is back asleep snoring softly. I smile as Niall walks through the door. Niall says to me "Management said you needed help. They didn't tell me how though." I sigh and say "I gave Liam the stomach bug. We have been up quite a bit in the night. He has just fallen back asleep. I don't want to have to wake him up" Niall nods and says "I'll take your luggage down to the bus then." I nod and gently lift Liam up. He instantly starts shivering in his sleep. I say "Nialler in that bag you have just picked up there is a blanket could I have it please" Niall nods and finds the blanket and puts it over Liam. He then gathers up the rest of our luggage and takes it to the door. He opens the door and holds it open for me. I smile and say "Thanks Niall" Niall nods and responds "Your welcome."

We walk down to the bus. I make sure Liam's head doesn't hit anything. He doesn't need a concussion on top of his stomach bug. Once we are at the bus Harry opens the door for us and asks me "Is everything alright?" I shake my head and put Liam on the sofa. I say "I have given Liam my stomach bug. He is really quite poorly." Harry nods and says "We are in for a fun bus journey then." I nod and say "At least we don't have anything going on for the next couple of days since we are just travelling" Harry and Niall both nod and Liam wakes up and is instantly running to the bathroom slamming the door behind him. I follow him. I knock on the door and say "Li are you alright in there babe." Liam groans and I say "Do you need anything babe?" Liam groans again and I hear something splashing into the water and some liquid hitting the floor. He says "I need the bucket." I rush to go and grab the bucket and Niall asks "Is he alright?" I shake my head and say "There is a situation in the bathroom. Back in a bit" Harry and Niall nods and I go into the bathroom.

I see Liam sat on the toilet with vomit on him and the floor in front of him. I give him the bucket and I ask him "Do you want me to wait outside?" Liam shakes his head and grabs my hand. I gently rub his back as he goes both ways. He lets out one more round of vomit before he says "I think I'm done now." I nod and wait outside to give him some privacy. After a couple of minutes Liam comes out in just his boxers. I say "Let's get you some clean clothes" Liam nods and we go into the bunk area. I get Liam some clean clothes. I say "Do you want to lay down in here or do you want to go and lay out on the sofas in the living area" he says "With you in the living area" I nod and we go out to the living area.

When we get there Harry says "Niall is cleaning the bathroom" I nod and we lay down on the sofa. I gently rub Liam's stomach and soon he is fast asleep.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after 6 days. They got back to their hectic schedule. Luckily no one else got sick

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