Lirry- Liam travel sick

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Liam's pov

Ever since I was a child I have had bad travel sickness, I am dreading having to go on the tour bus, I am alright in the van or a car because I will just take a tablet but in the bus I will have to keep making sure that I take the tablets. None of the boys know I get travel sick not even Harry who is my boyfriend

I take a tablet just before we get on the bus and I realise that it is my last one. I make a mental note to get some more the next time we stop.

About two hours into the journey, I start to feel nauseous. I rest my head on Harry's shoulder and he says "You ok Li? You look pale" I nod not wanting to talk. "Are you sure?" I shrug and close my eyes "Why don't you go and lay in the bunks Li where you can get some sleep" I shake my head not wanting to move and upset my already unsettled stomach. I swallow the bile trying to rise up in my throat. I put a hand on my stomach and gently rub it "Li does you stomach hurt" I shake my head and say quietly "My stomach is just slightly unsettled" Harry gently rubs my back and Niall says "Do you think you might be sick?" I shake my head. Harry places a hand on my head "You don't feel warm, why does you stomach feel unsettled for Liam?" I shrug knowing that I am going to have to tell them so I say quietly "I get bad travel sickness, my stomach is unsettled because of that" I gag and throw up a little on me and Harry, silent tears fall down my face involuntarily "Don't cry babe" I gag again and slap a hand to my mouth "Are you gonna be able to make it to the bathroom" I gag again brining up more sick into my hands and it starts to seep out of my hands. Louis puts a bucket on my lap and I take my hand away from my mouth. I gag over the bucket and throw up. Once I am finished I look up and see Zayn is not there "Where's Zayn?" Louis responds "He went into the bunk room, he doesn't do good with vomit" I look down and say quietly "Sorry" Tears fall down my face rapidly. Harry puts his arm around me and say "It doesn't matter Li, let's get you changed into some clean clothes" I nod and we go into the bunk room. I spot Zayn and say "Sorry Zayn" Zayn smiles at me and says "It doesn't matter you couldn't help it" I nod and Zayn goes back into the main area. I get changed and so does Harry "Why don't you lay down Li?" I look at Harry pleadingly "Can you stay" Harry nods but says "First let me grab the bucket, you get into bed and I will be back in a few minutes" I nod and lay down

Harry's pov

I go back into the main area and grab the clean bucket "How cleaned the bucket" Niall says "Lou did, how's Liam?" I shrug "He is in bed, I am gonna lay with him and keep the bucket with us" They all nod and I go back into the bunk room "Hazza, cuddle" I nod and say "Let me in then" Liam nods and he sits up slightly so I can get into bed next to him. I lay down with Liam "How's your stomach love?" Liam shrugs and says "It still feels a bit unsettled but a lot better than it was before" I nod and say m"Li never hide anything like that from us again" Liam nod and cuddles into me and I rub his stomach and he instantly falls asleep.

No one's pov

Once they stop Liam feels loads better and the boys always make sure that they have travel sickness tablets where ever they go

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