Liam insecure

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Liam's pov

We are at Harry's step dad's bungalow to get to know each other. I am really insecure about myself. My weight, my voice, everything about me. The other boys are way more talented than me. Niall can play the guitar and sing, Louis has an amazing voice and so do Harry and Zayn. I don't feel confident with myself next to these four amazing lads. Louis sits next to me "Hey Liam, are you ok? You are being very quiet" I nod and say quietly "I'm fine. I am always quiet" Louis looks at me suspiciously but I ignore his stares.

It has been a few days together at Harry's step dad's bungalow and we are going to sing together for the first time. Niall grabs his guitar and starts playing a song. We all hum along with the guitar. After the song is finished Harry says "We should all sing a couple of lines each then some together" the others agree so I reluctantly agree as well. Niall starts playing torn on his guitar and the others look at me. I nod slightly and start singing "Thought I saw a man brought to light, he was warm, he came around like he was dignified, he showed me what it means to cry" Zayn takes over and I look down not wanting to meet anyone's eyes. I know I am going to be kicked out of the band and be humiliated again. I feel a hand on my back. I look up and see Harry looking at me with his kind green eyes "Liam we are going in now it looks like it might rain soon" I nod and say "I'll be in soon. I need to call my mum" he nods and says "Don't be too long. Don't want you to get sick" I nod and Harry goes inside.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and click on my mum's name and call her. She picks up after a few rings and she says "Hi Liam. Are you alright?" I say "Yeah I guess. I miss you mum" she says to me "You will be home at the end of the week." I think to myself "Unless they kick me out" my mum says "What do you mean by that Liam? Why would they kick you out?" Tears slowly start to make their way down my face and I say "The boys are more talented than me. They will kick me out because I can't sing" a sob involuntarily escapes my mouth and my mum says "Liam baby, listen to me. You can sing you can sing very well. Why would Simon put you though to boot camp if he didn't think you could sing" I say still crying slightly "I don't know." My mum says "Exactly, he wouldn't of put you through if he didn't think you were talented. I love you Liam. I think you should go back to the boys now. I'm sure they are wondering where you are" I say "Yeah they probably are. Love you too mum. Speak to you later" my mum says bye and hangs up. I put my phone in my pocket and cry silently into my hands.

Harry's pov while Liam is on the phone to his mum

I walk into the living room and the others look up Louis says to me "Where's Liam? I thought you were going to tell him it is going to start raining soon" I respond "I did. He just wanted to call his mum quickly."

After about half an hour Liam still hasn't come back and it is raining pretty heavily outside. I say to the others worriedly "Do you think we should go and check on him?" Zayn shakes his head "He is coming now. I can see him" I look over and see Liam coming closer to the bungalow. He looks freezing cold even from a distance you can tell he is shivering.

Once he comes in he says "I'm gonna change out of these clothes" I nod and say "Have a warm shower as well to warm yourself up. You are shivering" he nods and goes upstairs. Once he is upstairs Niall says "Is it me or does he look like he has been crying?" I nod in agreement "He does. He has been very quiet since we sang together" Louis says "I think we need to talk to him once he is back" we all nod.

About an hour and a half later Liam hasn't come down. "I'm going to check on him to make sure he is ok" they nod and I go upstairs. I go towards the bathroom and I hear the water still running and something else that I can't quite hear over the running water. I knock on the door and say loudly so he will be able to hear it over the running water "Li are you ok in there?" I don't get a response "Liam" he says "I'll be out soon" I sigh and go back downstairs Niall says "Is he ok?" I shrug and say "Don't know. All he said was that he would be out soon.

After about ten minutes Liam comes into the living room looking at the floor. From the glance of his face I saw as he came down his eyes looks puffy and red. He sits on the chair and curls into himself. Zayn says to him "Liam why don't you join us on the sofa" he shakes his head and says quietly "I'm good here thanks" we exchange a worried glance with each other.

After about a minute of silence I walk over to him. I put a hand under his chin gently and lift his head up. He avoids eye contact and tries to pull his head away but I say to him gently "Liam why does it look like you have been crying" he says "I haven't. I'm fine. Please just leave it" I shake my head "You were outside for a long time and then you were in the shower for a long time as well. We want to help you buddy but you need to let us in" he breaks down in tears and I immediately hug him. He grips onto my top and buries his face in my shoulder shaking me with the force of his sobs. I rub his back and whisper soothing words to him. Once he is calm he says quietly "You guys are more talented than me. I can barely sing. All of you have amazing voices then there's me. I can't sing for anything and you are now going to kick me out" we all look at each other again and Louis says to him "Liam mate you are an amazing singer. Better than me. Now I can't sing and we would never dream of kicking you out bud" Liam says "But bu.." I say "No buts. I am not letting anyone kick you out of the band buddy" he nods and tells us everything about all his insecurities with his weight and we all help Liam to get overcome his insecurities it takes a while and he still has them but he doesn't let it affect his day to day life as much as he did at my stepdad's bungalow.

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