Liam and Louis food poisoning

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Liam's pov

We have just finished our On the road again tour. We have decided to go to a new pasta restaurant tonight for dinner to celebrate. Both Louis and I order chicken Parmesan pasta, Niall orders spaghetti and meatballs and Harry orders lasagna.

Everyone's but Louis and my meals come out. The waiter says "Your meals will be out shortly" we all nod. A couple of minutes later mine and Louis dinner comes out. I cut into the chicken and see it is pink. I look over at Louis and see his looks pink as well. I decide to eat my dinner anyways because I am hungry. Louis says "Li does your chicken taste alright?" I shrug and say back to him "It does taste a little funny" Harry says "Please don't eat the chicken if it tastes funny." Both me and Louis shrug and continue to eat our meals.

I didn't have pudding but the others did and I stole a bit of theirs. Louis ordered a self-saucing chocolate pudding, Niall ordered molten Black Forest pudding and Harry ordered salted chocolate and caramel tart. We are driving back home and I start to feel a bit nauseous. I say "How much longer until we are home?" Niall says "We will be about ten to fifteen minutes because there is loads of traffic. I sigh and swallow thickly trying not to let any vomit come up. I lean my head on Harry's shoulder and he says "Are you ok bud?" I shake my head and whisper "I feel nauseous" Harry says "Do you think you might be sick?" I shrug and Louis suddenly gags which makes me gag and throw up all over myself, Harry and Niall's car. I immediately start crying and Louis throws up as well. Harry rubs both mine and Louis backs and he says "I told you two not to eat the chicken" Louis glares at him and I throw up again which sets Louis off again.

By the time we are home both me and Louis are both covered in our own vomit and Harry is covered in both of our vomit. I'm glad Niall has leather seats otherwise the car would need to be professionally cleaned and that is not nice. Niall says "Harry Liam seems to be attached to you. You take Liam. I'll clean the car and once the car is clean I'll take Louis" Harry and Zayn nod and Harry helps me out of the car. He helps me up to my room and helps me to get changed. He says "Li I am going to get changed quick. I'll be back in five minutes." I start to shake my head "No don't leave" Harry says "Li I am covered in vomit. I'll be less than five minutes I promise" I nod reluctantly and Harry leaves the room.

Harry's pov

I quickly go into my room and I get changed. I start to make my way back to Liam's room. I bump into Louis and Niall "How are you feeling Louis?" He shrugs and says "I don't feel well" Niall says "How's Liam?" I say "He hasn't thrown up since the car" Zayn nods and I say "I better get back to Liam. Night" they nod and I go into Liam's room. I see Liam sat up throwing up in the bin that was by his bed. I quickly rush over to him and rub his back. "You are doing so well" he continues to heave over the bin and I continue to rub his back. Once he is done he collapses on me looking exhausted. I say to him "Let's check your temperature then you can go to sleep." He nods and I put the thermometer in Liam's ear and I press the button. "38.3. Not too bad at the moment. Get some sleep bud hopefully you'll feel better in the morning" he nods and closes his eyes. When I hear his soft snores I carefully get out of bed and take the bin full of vomit into the bathroom and I tip it down the toilet and rinse it out. I grab a wash cloth and run it under cold water for Liam's head. I go back into Liam's room and I quietly put the bin down the side of Liam's bed. I get back in bed and I put the cloth on his head. I fall asleep to Liam's soft snores

A week later no ones pov

Louis felt better after 4 days and Liam felt better after 5 days. They are all glad that Liam and Louis are feeling better so they can get back to their crazy work schedule.

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