Liam panic attack part 2

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A/n This is part two of the Liam panic attack. If you haven't read the first one then I recommend you do

Liam's pov

We are half way through our Take me home tour and Niall has been there for me ever since he found out about my panic attacks. He knows when I am about to get one and he normally manages to calm me down before it gets to a proper panic attack. He is the only one who can calm me down from a panic attack. Today we are really busy and this morning has been really horrible as well. The morning has been very hectic. Zayn overslept as usual, Harry fell out of his bunk and hurt his head, Niall burned the breakfast because he was trying to calm me down so I didn't have a panic attack so early in the morning and Louis took forever in the shower. I know I am going to have a bad panic attack today. I am going to try and stay as close to Niall as I can today.

Just before the second interview still Liam's pov

Management comes in and says "Right, Liam, Louis and Zayn you are going to have an interview together and Niall and Harry you two will have another one" I instantly start breathing heavily. I say "I need Niall" management says "No you don't. You can't always have what you want. Now you three" they point to me, Louis and Zayn "You need to come with us to your interview" Niall looks me straight in the eye "You'll be fine babe. Calm your breathing for me." I feel him take my hand and he places it on his chest and he says "Copy my breathing babe" I slowly start to breath normally again and I start to follow Zayn and management out of the room but not before I hear Niall saying to Louis "Keep an eye on him for me."

About three quarters through the interview still Liam's pov

I have been feeling Louis eyes on me most of the interview and I don't like it. He needs to pay attention otherwise he might get in trouble with management. I don't want that to happen. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I look over at Louis and he says "You need to answer a question" I look at the interviewer and say "Sorry what was the question?" The interviewer says sounding annoyed "What is your favourite part of touring?" I start to panic hearing the annoyance in her voice I say "Seeing new countries with the boys" I feel Louis gently place a hand on my back and I look over at him with tears in my eyes

Louis' pov

As Liam looks over at me I see the tears in his eyes. I know that he needs Niall very soon otherwise he will have a full blown panic attack. I whisper to him "A few more minutes Liam then you can be with Niall again" he nods

About five minutes later our interview is over. We quickly say bye to the interviewer then we all rush off stage. Liam runs straight into the dressing room we were all in before. Zayn and I quickly follow and see that it is only Liam in the dressing room. "Wh..wh..wher...where's Nini?" I walk over to him and say "Li your ok. Niall will be here soon." He shakes his head. Management storms in and says "Liam you need to pay attention more. You can't just zone out like that" he looks like he is about to burst into tears and I say angrily "He was trying not to have a panic attack during the interview. Stop having a go at him. Niall needs to come here now. He is the only one who can calm him down" they respond "Well Liam will have to cope with one of you two calming him down today. Niall and Harry are only half way though their interview" they leave the room and I glare where they have exited. I look over at Liam and I instantly loose all my anger because he is struggling to breath and is crying. He suddenly falls to the floor clutching his chest. I am trying not to panic. I gently kneel down in front of him "Li bud you need to calm down" he breaths out "Nini" I sigh and say to Zayn "I don't care what management says. He needs Niall now. He will pass out otherwise. No one wants that to happen" Zayn nods and says "I will go and get him. You stay here with Liam" I nod and Zayn leaves the room. I stay with Liam trying to get him to calm down.

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