Liam fatigue (Request)

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Prompt- Liam gets fatigued

Requested by- 1D_luvs_spoons

Liam's pov

We are half way though our take me home tour. For about 3 weeks now I have been feeling really tired and stressed out. I think Harry (My boyfriend) has noticed. We are sat in the dressing room waiting for us to be called on stage for a concert and the other boys are messing around whilst I am sat quietly. Harry looks over at me and sighs. He sits next to me and pulls me to his side. He asks "You alright babe? You have been very quiet these past few weeks." I curl into him and nod. Harry says "Are you sure?" I nod and Harry just lets me cuddle into him.

Harry's pov

Liam has just cuddled into me. I know he isn't fine. I feel his forehead but he doesn't feel warm so I don't think he is sick. Soon Liam's eyes start to droop shut and he falls asleep.

A couple of hours later we get called on stage and I really don't want to wake Liam up but I know I need to. I'm glad we are getting a week off after this concert. I gently rub his arm and say "Li babe. Wake up." Liam groans but opens his eyes. He looks so tired. I gently smooth his hair back to how Lou did it earlier so she doesn't get annoyed and we go out on stage.

About half way though the concert Liam keeps on missing his solos for a couple of seconds no one has noticed except us luckily and he looks more tired now than he did after he woke up. I walk up to him and whisper in his ear making sure that both our mics won't pick it up "You alright babe?" Liam nods again and I sigh and whisper to him "You would tell me if something was bothering you wouldn't you?" Liam nods again and I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

At the end of the concert we all go back to the hotel room and I am sharing with Liam which I am not normally allowed to do but I asked Paul because I am worried about Liam's health. Me and Liam go to our room and Liam says sounding tired "I thought we weren't allowed to share a hotel room. I'm happy we can though" I smile at him and say "Paul let us share" Liam nods and sits on the bed. I sit down next to him and he curls into me. I say "We should probably get out of our stage clothes Li." Liam nods and sits up. We both get into comfy clothes and we lay down and.

A few hours later I have been messing around on my phone. I look down at Liam and see he is still awake. I say to him "Li why don't you go to sleep babe. You look exhausted" Liam responds "But I can't sleep. I've tried everything. I can't drift off. I'm so tired. I just wanna sleep." I feel really bad for him and say "How long have you struggled to go to sleep?" Liam responds "About three weeks" Liam starts crying. I instantly put my phone down and hug he doesn't cry often but when he does you know it is bad. I ask him "Why have you been struggling babe?" Liam shrugs and continues to cry into my chest. I gently rub Liam's back and soon he is pulling his face out of my chest and he goes to wipe his tears away but I beat him to it. I say to Liam gently "You should have told me you were struggling to sleep babe. I could have helped you" Liam nods and I pull us to lay down. I gently hum a tune to Liam and I run my fingers through his hair and soon Liam is fast asleep. I smile and hold Liam protectively and I fall asleep myself.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after the week off and they are all ready to get back to their crazy work schedule and Liam always told Harry when he couldn't sleep.


A/n sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I was camping with my family and we didn't have much signal or data.

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Where stories live. Discover now