Liam falls off stage

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Liam's pov

We have just started our take me home tour. Niall and I have been in a relationship since half way through the X-factor. Management let us come out just before this tour since they though it might increase the amount of LGBTQ+ in the fandom. We lost a few fans but we gained a load more. Everyone knows Niall is very protective of me and doesn't like to see me get injured or sick or upset. We are about to go on stage and Niall kisses my head and says "Be careful out there babe. I don't want to injured" I nod and say "I'll be careful" Niall nods and we run out on stage.

About half way through the concert still Liam's pov

Niall has been watching me like he does every concert. There has been a few times where he has stopped me from falling over and I am very grateful for that. I am near the edge of the stage and Niall whispers in my ear "Be careful. You are near the edge of the stage babe" I nod and move back slightly to stop Niall from worrying I smile at him and he smiles back at me and I start to run in the opposite direction because Louis starts running at me with a bottle of water.

About ten minutes before the end of the concert still Liam's pov

Louis and I are completely soaked and so is the stage. I spot Louis running after me and Niall shaking his head fondly. I look back as I run to see how far Louis is and I feel myself slipping. I must have been right at the edge of the stage because I drop down and I land with my right arm trapped under my back and I smacked my head on the concrete floor. I scream in pain and tears instantly well up in my eyes. I press my hand to my forehead as I feel my eyes roll back the last thing I see is Niall's worried face.

Niall's pov just before Liam fell

I shake my head fondly as Louis and Liam have their water fight. I hope Liam doesn't get hurt. I watch as Liam looks back probably to see how far away Louis is. I see him slip as he gets close to the edge of the stage. He falls right off the edge of the stage. We hear a loud thud and an ear splitting scream. I instantly run to the edge of the stage and I carefully jump down just in time for Liam to pass out. I crouch down beside him and I check to make sure he is breathing.

Paul comes over and says "I've called for an ambulance." I nod and continue to watch Liam. I ask "How long will they be?" Paul says "They should be about ten minutes." I nod and gently take Liam's hand that isn't trapped under him. Paul says "Should we try to move his arm out from underneath him?" I shake my head and say "Wait for the paramedics. I don't want to cause him any more pain" Paul nods.

About ten minutes later the paramedics come over with a stretcher they carefully load Liam up on the stretcher and one of them starts to take his vitals and one of the others says "One person can come with us. We need to know what happened" I say "I'll go. I'm worried about him" everyone nods and I follow the paramedics to the ambulance.

Once we are in the ambulance we start to drive to the local hospital. One of the paramedics asks me "What happened?" I say "We were doing a concert. Louis and Liam were having a water fight and the stage got very slippery and Liam slipped and fell off the edge of the stage. He got his right arm trapped underneath him and I am pretty certain that he hit his head on the floor" the paramedics nods and says "We and the doctors will help him" I nod and look at my Liam. I wish I was there to stop him falling off the edge of the stage.

Once we get to the hospital I get told to wait in the waiting room and they wheel my Liam away. I sit down and bury my face in my hands and soon tears start falling. I'm so worried about him. I want him to be alright. After about ten minutes I feel someone's hand on my back and I hear Louis saying "Have you heard anything Niall?" I shake my head not trusting my voice. Louis says "I'm sure he is going to be alright" I look up at him and say "How do you know that. He fell off the stage and is unconscious. He could have a major brain injury and he could have some memory loss. He could die" I stop myself with a sob and Louis hugs me followed by Harry and Zayn. I continue to cry until I feel my eyes get heavier.

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