Sick alone (before hiatus)

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Liam's pov

We are half way through our up all night tour and we have two weeks off. It is the first day and I wake up feeling cramping in my stomach. I really don't want to be sick. We are meant to be sight seeing today. I grab my phone and see that it is 4:36am. I look at Louis, who I am sharing a room with, and I debate wether or not to wake him up my stomach cramps again and I grip my stomach. I decide not to wake Louis up. I curl into a ball and close my eyes.

A few hours later still Liam's pov

I feel Louis shake me "Li wake up we are about to leave" I whine and say "I don't wanna" Louis responds "We are going sight seeing" I say "My stomach hurts" Louis says "Liam up now" I shake my head and curl further into myself and say "My tummy hurts Lou" Louis responds "Fine stay here and be miserable" I say "Don't leave me" I hear the door open then close. I look up and see I am alone. I hate being alone when sick. I start crying and say through my tears "Lou don't go" I continue to cry until I gag. I run to the bathroom. I crash to my knees and I throw up into the toilet. I hate throwing up. I continue to throw up until I am dry heaving. I try to calm myself down and eventually I am calm.

I go back into the room. I grab the thermometer and I take my temperature. It is 38.3. I grab the hot water bottle and I go back into the bathroom and I fill it up to put on my stomach. I go back into the bedroom and I curl into a ball under the duvet with the hot water bottle on my stomach.

A few hours later I get woken up by someone shaking me. I whine but open my eyes. I see Louis is shaking me. "Li you threw up in your sleep. Are you ok?" I shake my head and start crying. I say "I feel really sick and you left me alone" Louis gently rubs my back and says "Oh bud I'm sorry. I thought you were faking so you could sleep. Let's get you to my bed so I can get some clean sheets" I nod and Louis helps me to his bed and he sits me down. "Why did you come back here so early?" Louis responds "It wasn't as fun without you. We didn't have anyone telling us to be careful and we missed it" I try to smile but it turns out to be more of a grimis rather than a smile because I get a cramp in my stomach

He starts to leave the room and I say "Lou where are you going? Don't leave me again" Louis responds "I will be back in a minute. I promise." I shake my head and say "Don't wanna be alone." Louis responds "Ok I will call Niall to come and sit with you. Harry is with Zayn." I say "Is Zayn ok?" Louis nods and says to me "Yeah he's fine. Me, Harry and Zayn all came back here and saw you have thrown up and Zayn doesn't have the strongest stomach. Niall went to his room to get something." Just as he says that our door opens and Niall walks in and says "Why does it smell of vomit in here?" Louis says "Liam is sick could you sit with him whilst I go and get Liam some clean sheets?" Niall nods.

Niall's pov

Louis has just left me with Liam. I say "Li let's get you out of the vomit covered top" Liam nods and says "Can you help me. I feel too sick." I respond "Of course bud but if you feel like you are going to be sick let me know and we will try and make it to the toilet in time" Liam nods and I say "Arms up then Li" he nods and puts his arms up. I take his top off trying not to get any more vomit in his hair. "Can I get the thermometer? You feel really warm" Liam nods and I grab the thermometer. I put it in Liam's ear and press the button. "39.5. Let's get you in a cool bath Liam"

He nods and follows me into the bathroom. I run a bath for him and he takes off his trousers and he says "Can you stay? I don't want to be alone" I nod and say "You don't have to take off your boxers then. Get in the bath" he nods and he gets in the bath. I gently wash the vomit out of his hair. I hear Louis shout "Niall, Liam where are you?" I respond "We are in the bathroom. Liam's fever is too high" Louis comes into the bathroom just as Liam throws up over the edge of the bath just missing my leg. He starts crying. "What do you want to sort out? Liam or his bed" I say "I don't mind." Louis responds "You sort Liam. I'll sort his bed. I'll come in here once you are done and clean up the vomit on the floor. He'll probably be clung to you like he normally is anyways" I nod and say to Louis "Could you bring in some clothes for him and the thermometer" he nods and leaves the room. I gently rub his back and say to him "You are ok buddy" I gently rub his back.

Louis comes back in and puts the clothes down on the counter and hands me the thermometer. He leaves the room and I put the thermometer in Liam's ear and press the button. "38.3. You can get out now bud" Liam nods and gets out of the bath. I hand Liam the towel and he dries himself off. I turn around whilst he is getting dressed to give him some privacy.

Once he is dressed he says "Niall I want a cuddle." I nod and turn around and say "Let's get you to bed" Liam nods and I take Liam back to the room and see that Louis has just finished changing the sheets. "There you go Liam. Your bed is all clean." He nods and crawls into bed and he says "Ni cuddle?" I nod and get into his bed with him. He cuddles into my side and I gently play with his hair because that puts him to sleep. Louis says "I'm gonna clean up in the bathroom" I nod and continue to play with Liam's hair.

No ones pov

Luckily Liam's bug was only a 48hour sickness bug and he was better. They spent a few days relaxing before they went to do any sightseeing.

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