Liam sick and wants Niall but he is not there

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Liam's pov

We have just finished our take me home tour. Niall has gone to Ireland to spend time with his family. It is about 3 in the morning and I haven't been able to fall asleep. Normally when I can't sleep I go to Niall but he isn't here so I can't and none of the other boys really appreciate being woken up when they don't need to be up. I curl into myself and I try to go to sleep.

I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I know I am being shaken awake by someone. I whine and move away from the shaking. I hear Zayn saying "Liam you need to wake up" I let out a few inaudible words before Zayn shakes me again. I open my eyes and glare at him "Leave me to sleep. I couldn't sleep last night" Zayn says "No Liam you need to wake up. It is time to wake up and have some breakfast." I pull my duvet over my head and I try and fall back asleep but Zayn pulls my duvet off my bed and he says "Get up Liam." I shake my head and say "I want my duvet" Zayn shakes his head "You need breakfast. Don't wanna. I want my duvet. I am cold"

Zayn says "You can be so stubborn" he leaves my room and slams the door behind him. Tears well up in my eyes. I grab my duvet and I pull it over me. I want Niall here. He wouldn't have let any of them wake me up. A tear slips down my face and I realise that my stomach is hurting and I feel slightly nauseous that is probably one of the reasons I couldn't sleep last night. I just want Niall. I need Niall. I try and fall back asleep but I am now too aware of my nauseous tummy I wrap my arms around my stomach and I curl into myself and start crying quietly to myself.

A few minutes later I feel vomit coming up my throat. I gag and sit up which is all my stomach needs before I throw up everywhere. All over myself, the bed and the floor. I continue puking. Once I am done I start sobbing. I grab my phone and call Louis. "Liam why didn't you come down... Hey Li why are you crying for?" I sob more and say "Iii'm ssssoooorrryyyyyyyyyyyyy. Iiii diidnn'ttt meannnnn toooo" Louis says "What didn't you mean to do buddy?" I say "Iii threwww uppp onnn myyy beeddd." Louis says "Oh Li. It doesn't matter. I'll be up in a minute bud. I just need to grab a few things alright." I say "Ookayy" the call ends and I put my phone down.

A few minutes later Louis comes into my room followed by Harry. "Come on Li let's get you out of your vomit covered clothes" I nod and carefully get out of bed. Louis grabs me some spare clothes and leads me to the bathroom Louis helps me out of my vomit covered clothes and says "Let's check your temperature buddy" I nod and Louis puts the thermometer in my ear and he presses a button which makes a high pitch beeping noise when it finished. "40.2. Let's get you in a bath quickly Liam." I start sobbing and I say "I want Niall. I don't wanna bath." Louis says "Niall would tell you the same thing buddy. Come on let's get you in the bath" I say "No I want Niall"

Louis pov

Liam keeps on crying and calling for Niall. I say to him "Liam if you get in the bath I will call Niall once you are out" he shakes his head stubbornly. I say "Please Li" he shakes his head and starts crying more. I say "I won't call Niall then." He cries even more. I have never seen him so upset. I grab my phone and press on Niall's number and I call him. He picks up after a few rings "Hey Lou how are ya?" I say "Not good Niall. Liam is sick and his fever is over 40 but he is refusing to get in the bath" I hear Niall sigh. "What was his actual temperature?" I say "It was like 40.2" Niall says "Put me on speaker. I can't get an earlier flight back home. I looked because my mum and dad are going to be barely here this week because they are busy with work" I say "Don't worry about it. I'll put you on speaker now." I put my phone on speaker and I say "You are on speaker Niall" Niall says "Liam, you need to get in the bath" Liam says "No Nini me don't want to" Niall says "I know you don't buddy but you fever is too high bud." Liam sobs more "No me don't want a bath" Niall says "Louis you might have to physically but gently put him in the bath" I say "I don't want to hurt him though."

Harry comes in and says "Do you need some help in here?" I nod and say "Yes please. Niall is on the phone" Harry says "Hi Niall" Niall says "Hey Haz. Where is Zayn?" I say "He tried to wake up Liam this morning but Liam didn't want to. He stormed out of the house. He will probably be back soon" Niall says "Fair enough. Liam can you get in the bath please" he shakes his head stubbornly and he is crying more "Nooooo me don't want a bath." Niall says "You have two choices Liam. Your fever is too high. You can ether get in the bath that Louis has ran or Louis or Harry or Zayn when he is back will call an ambulance" Liam shakes his head and slowly goes towards the bath. Harry gently helps him into the bath and Niall says "What did he choose Lou. I can't hear anything" I say "Harry is helping him in the bath" Niall says "I'll let you get his fever down. Get him to call me when he is out" I say "Of course Niall" The call ends and I go over to the bath and Harry says "Have you got it. I need to go and clean up the floor in Liam's room. I heard him that's why I came to help" I nod and gently wash Liam's hair to get the vomit out of his hair. Harry leaves the room.

About ten minutes later Liam says "Can I get out please?" He gives me the puppy look and I say "Let's check your temperature first" Liam nods and allows me to put the thermometer in his ear. I press the button and once it beeps I pull it out of his ear and say "38.5. I suppose you can get out now Liam" Liam nods and gets out of the bath. I hand Liam a towel and he dries himself off. I hand Liam some clothes and he manages to put them on. I take Liam's dirty clothes and carry them downstairs making sure Liam is following me. I put Liam on the sofa and I go into the kitchen and put his dirty clothes in the washing machine.

I go back into the living room just as Zayn walks through the door. I sit next to Liam and he curls into my side just needing the comfort from anyone. Zayn says "What's wrong with him?" I say "He is sick Zayn" Zayn says "That is probably why he didn't want to wake up earlier." I nod and Liam says "I want Niall" I say "Let's call him. I did tell him I would call him once you were out of the bath. Zayn just to let you know his fever was 40.2 so we need to keep a close eye on his fever" Zayn nods and I grab my phone and call Niall. He picks up on the third ring "Hey Louis" I respond "Hi Niall I'll put you on speaker so you can talk to him" Niall says "Alright Louis" I put my phone on speaker and Niall says "Am I on speaker yet?" I say "Yeah you are Niall" Niall says "Hey Liam" Liam says "Nini I want you" Niall says "I know bud. I promise I will be home next week. Louis, Harry and Zayn will take good care of you buddy" Liam says "I know but I miss you Niall." Liam yawns and Niall says "Why don't you go to sleep bud" Liam says "But I want to talk to you" Niall says "You can talk to me but you are tired Liam I will call you every day yeah" Liam says "Alright Niall" Liam closes his eyes and soon he is snoring softly. I say "He's asleep Niall" Niall says "Thought he might have fallen asleep. I better go I think my mum has just got home" I say "Alright Niall speak soon."

One week later no ones pov

It took Liam 6 days to get better but he is still very clingy. Niall has just walked through the door and Liam has already attached himself to Niall soaking up all the comfort he can from Niall for the lost time they had when Niall was in Ireland.

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