Liam ADHD (request)

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Requested by Maya

Liam's pov

Ever since I was a child I have struggled with ADHD. My teachers didn't really understand why I was so hyperactive. We are about half way through our up all night tour. The boys know about my ADHD because they have had to make sure that I have taken my medication otherwise I will forget because my attention will go to something else and I will get distracted from what I am doing.

Today is a busy day and I don't know if I am going to handle today well. We have 5 interviews, a signing, 2 photo shoots, rehearsals and a concert tonight. I know my ADHD is probably going to kick in properly during something. I make sure I have my pills with me and I take my morning dose of medication before we head off for our busy day.

During the third interview still Liam's pov

We have just started the third interview of the day. I am due for my next dose in about five minutes but it is a live interview so I can't leave to take my medication. Louis taps me on the shoulder and I look at him he says "You got asked a question Li" I nod and say "Sorry what was the question?" The interviewer says sounding slightly annoyed "What is your favourite and least favourite part of touring?" I say "My favourite part of touring is spending time with these boys and my least favourite part is not spending much time with my family at home in Wolverhampton" the interviewer nods and moves on.

About half way through the interview I have gotten distracted by a bird flying past the window. I feel Louis tap me again I look over at him and he says "You got asked another question lad" I nod and say "Sorry what was the question again?" The interviewer rolls his eyes and says sounding very annoyed "You have got to start paying attention." I feel my heart drop when he said that "Are you in a relationship with anyone" I nod and say "Yeah I have a girlfriend" the interviewer says "What's her name?" I say "Danielle"

Louis pov

Liam looks like he could start crying at any moment when the interviewer said that he needs to pay attention more. I am mad there is nothing he can do about having ADHD. Sure no one knows about Liam's ADHD because he didn't want the fans to know. I feel like saying something but I know I can't. Once we are finished the interview I say to Liam "Did you take your medication lad?" He shakes his head and says "There was no time before the interview and I wasn't due my medication until five minutes into the interview. I messed the interview up I'm sorry" I say "No Li don't be sorry. It isn't your fault" I hand Liam his medication and he takes it quickly.

During the signing Liam's pov

We are a five minutes of the way through the signing which is the last thing we had to do today besides the rehearsals and concert later. I have gotten distracted a few times luckily Harry is next to me so when I do get distracted he makes sure I am paying attention. I am signing one CD and I look at the rest of the signatures and I get distracted. Harry taps me on the shoulder and I look at him "You got distracted again" I sigh and finish signing the CD. About a quarter of the way through the signing I start to get a bit restless because I can't sit still for more than half an hour at a time which is one of the reasons that my teachers didn't like me very much. I have another hour and a half of this I don't know how I am going to get through this. I start to lean back in my chair to make it swing. Harry pushes the chair back on all of its legs. Harry says quietly "Liam I know you can't sit still for more than half an hour at a time but you can't swing on your chair" I nod and Harry gives me one of my fidget toys to play with to keep me concentrated.

About half an hour later I am board of playing with the fidget toy so I put it back in my bag and I say to Harry "How long do we have now?" He says "One hour Liam" I nod and say "I don't know if I will stay concentrated for that long" Harry says "I know bud. I promise once we have finished here we will do something else" I nod and continue to sign CD. I start swinging on my chair again and Harry tries to push my chair down but I swing it too far and I fall off my chair. Harry picks up my chair and helps me up "Are you alright?" I nod and say "I didn't want to do that" Harry says "I know. That is why I told you to stop swinging on your chair" I nod and sit back in my chair.

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Where stories live. Discover now