Liam hurt whilst filming one way or another

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Liam's pov

We are filming our charity single music video of blondie's one way or another. We are currently in London getting some shots whilst we are in London. We are by the prime minister's house and we for some reason are hugging David Cameron. After we shoot that we all start to walk down and away from him which I think he is happy about. I suddenly trip over my own feet and fall flat on my face. I am so glad we are not recording at the moment.

Louis rushes over and says to me "Babe you alright?" I nod and look up and I say to him "My head hurts Lou." Louis says "I'm not surprised Liam. Your forehead and nose is bleeding." Louis helps me up and we go to the van and Louis hands me a tissue. He says "Hold your head down babe" I nod and hold the tissue to my nose and I lean my head over and I put pressure on the bridge of my nose.

Louis pov

Paul says "Do we need to go to the hospital?" I shrug and respond "I don't know" I say to Liam "How is your nose babe?" He says "It hurts Lou" I nod and say "I would like to get him checked out Paul" Paul nods and drives us to the hospital.

Once we get to the hospital I take Liam in and we instantly get taken back since we rang ahead and the doctor takes a look at Liam's nose and has a feel. Liam winces and the doctor says "His nose is broken. It should get better by its self in 3 weeks if not come back and we will get it checked out again and we will have another look. Let's have a look at the cut on your forehead Liam" Liam nods and the doctor gently cleans up the cut in Liam's forehead and says "You need stitches on your forehead. I'll just go and get some." The doctor leaves the room to get some stitches.

I smile at Liam and Liam smiles back. About ten minutes later the doctor comes back in and stitches up Liam's forehead and tells us how to take care of the stitches. The doctor then says "Is there any questions?" I ask "You said that Liam's nose should get better in about 3 weeks. Is there anything we can do to help his pain?" The doctor responds "You can give him some paracetamol and hold an ice pack on his nose for up to 15 minutes several times a day." I nod and the doctor asks "Is there any more questions?" We both shake our heads and the doctor says "You can go then." We both nod and leave the doctors office.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after 3 weeks and to help with the pain Liam held ice packs to his nose for 15 minutes and had paracetamol every 4 hours to keep the pain under control. They went back and filmed like nothing happened and they were all more careful and luckily they didn't have to go back to the hospital again.

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