Liam hurt whilst filming night changes

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Liam's pov

We are filming night changes. We are on the fair ground. We have almost finished shooting my scene. I get into the waltzer I bump my head really quite hard on the corner of the seat. I shake it off but the lights are already starting to hurt my head. After the ride I am feeling really quite nauseous. I stumble and hit my right knee on the edge of the ride and twist my left ankle as I got down the steps. I have a hand over my mouth and I grab the hat and pretend to throw up to begin with but that made me feel more nauseous. Once the cameras stop rolling I gag for real and I stumble my way over to the bin making it just in time to throw up for real.

I feel a hand on my back but I don't trust my stomach yet so I don't know who it is. I hear Harry saying "Li babe you alright?" I gag and throw up twice more into the bin before I look up at Harry. I wince and Harry says to me "What happened Li? You were fine earlier." I nod and say "I think I have a concussion. I hit my head earlier. Then I hit my knee and twisted my ankle." I turn my head back to the bin before I throw up again. Harry gently rubs my back and says "Oh babe." I throw up twice more before I stop. I look at Harry and I bury my face in his chest.

Harry's pov

I gently pick Liam up and I carefully carry him to the dressing room and I help him to get into some joggers before I pick him back up and carefully carry him to the van. I put him in a seat and strap him in before I do the same thing to me. Liam instantly buries his face in my shoulder and soon I can feel tears soaking through my top. I say to Paul "Paul can you drive us to the hospital please? Liam thinks he has given himself a concussion and he has probably sprained his ankle" Paul nods and drives us to the closest hospital as Niall calls them.

Luckily there is no incidents on the way to the hospital. Once we arrive at the hospital I help Liam in whilst the other wait in the van. We get taken straight into a privet room. The doctor soon walks through the door and says "Hello boys how may I help you today?" I say "Liam here has managed to give himself a concussion whilst he was filming his scene for our new music video and he also hit his knee and twisted his ankle as well" the doctor nods and says to Liam "Liam could you answer some questions for me?" Liam nods and the doctor asks "What's your full name?" Liam responds "Liam James Payne" the doctor nods and asks "What's your friends name?" Liam responds "Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik." The doctor nods and asks "Can you remember what happened?" Liam responds "I was getting on the waltzer and I slipped and hit my head hard and then when I was getting off I hit my knee and rolled my ankle"

the doctor nods and says "He has a mild concussion. Let's check your ankle and knee" Liam nods and the doctor asks "Can I take off your shoe?" Liam nods and lifts his left leg up. The doctor takes off Liam's shoe carefully. Liam whimpers and clutches onto my hand. The doctor takes off Liam's sock and gently feels it. The doctor says "His ankle is badly sprained. I will get him a boot for him to wear. Let's check your knee. What knee did you hit?" Liam points to his right knee. The doctor nods and asks "Can I roll up your trouser leg?" Liam nods and the doctor rolls up his joggers to his thigh. The doctor looks at Liam's knee and then says to me "His knee is just bruised so he should be fine in a few days" I nod and the doctor says "I'll go and get you a boot for your ankle Liam then you can be on your way" Liam nods and rubs his eyes. The doctor says to me "Don't let him sleep just yet though" I nod and the doctor leaves the room.

A couple of minutes later I feel Liam lean his head on my shoulder and I look down at him. I see he has got his eyes closed. I say to Liam "Li babe I know you are tired but you can't sleep just yet." Liam whines and mutters tiredly "Whyyy?" I respond "The doctor said so. Come on babe open your eyes for me." Liam shakes his head and I sigh. I know this isn't going to help him much but I say "You need to stay awake for me otherwise you are just going to have to lay on the bed." Liam shakes his head and reluctantly opens his eyes. He says "I'm tired" I respond "I know babe, I know." I gently pull Liam so he is sat on my lap and he snuggles into me. I say "You have to keep your eyes open though Liam" Liam nods. I gently kiss his forehead as the doctor walks back in. The doctor smiles sadly at Liam seeing the look on his face. The doctor says "Would you like some pain killers before I put the boot on?" Liam nods and the doctor hands him some paracetamol. Liam takes it and we wait five minutes before the doctor puts the boot on Liam. Liam is so exhausted that he doesn't even make a noise of pain but I know it hurts him though because he is gripping my hand tightly with one hand whilst rubbing his eyes with the other. The doctor says "He will need to have that boot on for 6 weeks. He can go to sleep but he needs to be woken up every 2 hours just for tonight" I nod and know that Liam isn't going to like that. I thank the doctor and leave the room.

I carry my sleepy boyfriend out to the van. I get in and sit Liam in the seat and strap him in. I sit in the seat next to him and strap myself in. I gently pull Liam to my side. Niall asks "How did that go?" I say "He has a sprained ankle and has a mild concussion. Li babe you can go to sleep now" Liam nods and promptly falls asleep. I kiss him on the forehead and Zayn says "Poor boy looks exhausted" I nod and say "And he will tomorrow probably as well. He needs to be woken up every two hours tonight." Louis says "Why if he only has a mild concussion" I shrug hand say "I don't know probably just to be on the safe side. Paul what do we have tomorrow" Paul looks at us though the rear view mirror and says "Nothing. You boys have a free day so you can do what ever you want" I nod and we all fall into a comfortable silence.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after his boot came off and he thanked Harry for looking after him.

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