Liam sick on x factor

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Liam's pov

It is the night before the first rehearsal of the third week of the X factor. My stomach is feeling really achey and my head hurts. I'm not telling the others because I don't want to. I look at my phone and see that it is 1am. I have been tossing and turning trying to get to sleep for hours now. I close my eyes and eventually fall asleep.

The next morning I feel someone shanking me. I hear Niall say "Liam we need to get up and get going" I nod and slowly get out of bed. My head is pounding and my stomach aches more than it did last night. We head off to rehearsals to practice for Saturday night.

Niall's pov

Liam has been more quiet and withdrawn than he usually is I am getting worried about him. He also looks quite pale as well. I go over to him after the music stops and say to him "Are you ok Liam?" He shrugs I smile at him and he returns it but he only has a small smile on his face and it disappeared quickly. We go back to rehearsal. About half way through Liam grabs a bottle of water and slowly starts to drink it.

At the end of rehearsal we go to the car and start to drive home. I am sat next to Liam and on Liam's other side is Louis, Harry and Zayn are in the back seats. Liam rests his head on my shoulder and instantly falls asleep. I say "He is baking. I can feel the heat coming off him." Louis says "I can feel it as well. Do you think he will admit it, that he is sick I mean?" Harry says "No, I think he will probably try and deal with it alone."

When we are at the house I gently wake Liam up. "Li wake up bud. We are at the X factor house. Liam shoots up and looks around urgently. "Li are you ok?" He shakes his head and says "Sick" I help him out of the car just as he starts gagging. I take him over to some bushes and he promptly throws up. I gently rub his back as vomit pours from his mouth and some comes out of his nose.

Once he gets a break he starts crying softly before he throws up again. "Have you finished now?" Liam nods sadly and I lead him up to our room. Luckily Harry, Louis and Zayn have gone to the kitchens to get some food for us. I help Liam to sit down and say "I'm going to get you a clean top" Liam nods and I go and get Liam a clean top. I help him to get on his clean top and say "We need to check your temperature buddy." Liam shakes his head "not now I'm tired" I respond "I need to check you temperature then you can go to sleep"

The door opens and Louis walks in "Are you ok?" I shake my head "Liam is sick. Can you go and get a thermometer" Liam says "Not a mouth one makes me sick." Louis nods and leaves the room. "Ni can I have a hug?" I not and say "Of course Liam." I gently pull Liam to my side and I rub his stomach. After a couple of minutes Louis comes back in and hands me the thermometer "Put it under his arm and add .5. This is the only thermometer they have in the house. I'll try and keep the others from the room for now" I nod and Louis leaves the room.

I say to Liam gently "Li can I take your temperature" Liam looks at the thermometer and shakes his head "Makes me sick" I respond "I'll do it under your arm" Liam nods and allows me to take off his top. I place the thermometer under his left arm and I hold it in place. Once it beeps I take it out and look at it "39.2 with the .5 added. Li we need to lower your fever" Liam shakes his head and says "I wanna cuddle" I gently rub his back and say "I know Li but your fever is too high." I go into the bathroom with Liam following me.

I start to run a bath for him. "Right Liam, you going to get in?" Liam shakes his head. I respond "We need to lower your fever." Liam responds "I don't wanna be alone" I respond "You don't have to be. Keep your boxers on if you want and I will be right here Liam nods and takes off his trousers. I help him in the bath and he starts crying softly "Cold" I respond "I know Li but you need to stay in the bath to cool down" after about 10 minutes I say "Let's check your fever bud" Liam nods and I place the thermometer under Liam's arm. Once it beeps I take it out and say "38.5 with the .5 added you can get out now Li" Liam nods and gets out of the bath. I hand him a towel and he raps it around his waist.

We go back to our room and he dries himself. I hand him some clean dry boxers and I turn around to give him some privacy. "I've got them on Niall" I nod and hand Liam some shorts and a loose t-shirt. "I'll freeze like that" I shake my head "You won't Li, I don't want your fever getting too high again" Liam nods and puts them on. "Can I have a cuddle." I nod and lay down next to Liam and he cuddles into me. I gently rub his stomach and soon he is fast asleep. I smile.

About half an hour later Louis, Harry and Zayn comes in "How's Liam?" I respond "He's only one throwing up session at the moment and his fever was 39.2 but we managed to get it down to 38.5. He has been asleep for about half an hour now." I feel Liam shift slightly. I look down at him and see that he is awake. "Hey bud how are you feeling?" Liam responds "I think I'm gonna throw up." Louis hands me the bin from the other side of the room. He shakes his head "Don't wanna" Zayn tells me "Take him to the bathroom. He probably doesn't want to have an audience to watch him throw up."

I take him to the bathroom and he gags over the toilet. I gently rub his back. He starts sobbing as rounds of vomit pours out of his mouth. I say to him gently "Shh it's ok, you are doing so well" Liam says in between rounds of vomit "I wanna be done. I don't like this" I continue to rub his back until he collapses against me with tears falling rapidly. I hold him and carefully flush the toilet "Do you think you are done?" Liam nods and I help him up and back to our room.

I hand Liam a bottle of water and say to him "Drink this slowly bud. We don't want you getting dehydrated" Liam nods and slowly drinks the water after he drinks half of the water he puts it down and he says "Ni can I have a hug again?" I nod and let Liam cuddle into my side. I gently run my fingers through his hair and he falls asleep.

No one's pov

It takes Liam 2 days to recover from the stomach bug and they are happy that they are all well and they had one of the best performances of the show.

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