Liam type 1 diabeties part 2

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A/n This is a part two to the Niam- type 1 diabetes. If you haven't read the first part then I recommend that you do.

Niall's pov

We have just started up our where we are tour and so far Liam's diabetes has been under control for the most part. We have found his blood sugar leaves are mainly high but sometimes he goes really low.

We are halfway through our 4th concert of the entire tour and we are in Santiago Chile there are 67 thousand plus people in the audience. I look over at Liam and see he is looking very tired. I go over to him and whisper to him so I don't interrupt Zayn's speech. "Are you ok?" Liam shakes his head "I think my blood sugar is low. I feel really dizzy and faint." I help Liam to sit down and I say to him "You need to test your blood and have some chocolate if you are low." Liam nods and says "I don't want to do it alone" I nod and I go over to Louis and whisper to him "Liam thinks that his blood sugar is low. Just going to take him to test his blood" Louis nods

I go back over to Liam and carefully help him up. He almost falls back over but I gently grab his upper arm and I support him to backstage. Paul comes over to us "What are you do..." he trails off looking at Liam who is very shaky "He thinks his blood sugar levels are low" Paul quickly goes back to the dressing room. "Niall I feel weird" I carefully help Liam to sit down in the chair and I gently rub his arms and say "I know babe. We just need to test your blood"

A couple of seconds later Paul comes back over with Liam's tester and he hands it to me "Thanks" Paul nods and leaves knowing Liam doesn't like people watching him do it unless he asks for someone to be there "Come on babe let's test your blood" Liam whimpers "You do it" I nod and I gently take his hand. I grab the the finger pricker and I carefully prick his finger and grab the tester and gently squeeze Liam's finger until there is enough blood and I collect some on the end of the tester and it reads 2.9 "We need to get some chocolate and a fizzy drink in you Liam then we can see how you feel" Liam nods and I hand him some lucozade and a Mars bar "Eat the Mars bar" Liam nods slowly starts to eat the Mars bar and then he takes a few sips of the lucozade. After about 5 minutes "How are you feeling Li?" Liam shrugs and says "I feel better" I nod and say "Do you think you are ready to go back on stage" Liam nods and says "but can I sit down I still feel quite dizzy and can I take the lucozade out with me" I nod and say "of course babe. When we get off stage we better test your blood again" Liam nods and we go back on stage and Liam sits down just in time for his solo in alive. He begins to sing "My mother told me I should go and get some therapy. I asked the doctor what is wrong with me. I don't know why I wanna be with every girl I meet I can't control it yeah I know it's taking over me"

At the end of the concert still Niall's pov

We have just got backstage and Liam slumps against me with his eyes closed. "Li we need to test your blood babe before you go to sleep" he opens his eyes and he quickly tests his blood. "It is now 6.5" I nod and say "that's normal for you and it is in the normal range" Liam leans his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes. After a couple of minutes Paul comes in and says "Sorry lads we need to get you on the bus" I nod and gently shake Liam "Li babe we need to go to the bus" Liam whines and says "I'm tired" I respond "I know Li but when we get back to the bus then you can go to bed and go to sleep" Liam nods and stands up. I stand up next to him and we walk to the bus Liam stumbling over his feet a few times.

We make it to the bus in one piece and I say to the boys "I am going to cuddle Liam in bed. I don't think I will be back. He is always clingy after he has been low" the others nod.

I take Liam into the bunk room and we get changed out of our stage clothes and into some comfy clothes. we lay down together in my bunk and I gently rub his stomach "How you feeling now babe?" Liam shrugs and says "I'm tired but other than that I feel fine" I nod and say "you can go to sleep now if you want" Liam shakes his head and a small tear slips down his face "You'll leave me" I gently rub his stomach and say "I won't leave you babe. I will stay here all night" Liam turns around and buries his head into my chest. I soon feel tears soaking though my top. I rub his back and hold him close "Go to sleep babe. I will be here if you wake up. Liam slowly pulls his head out of my chest and says "You promise" I nod and say "I promise" Liam cuddles close to me and he closes his eyes. I gently run my fingers through his hair. Soon his breathing evens out and his soft snoring can be heard. I smile softly at him and decide to go to sleep myself.

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