Niam- Liam tonsillitis

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Liam's pov

We are on the last week of our up all night tour and we have a show practically every night. I wake up with a sore throat and we have a concert tonight and a few interviews. I rub my throat to try and ease some of the pain. Then I get out of bed and I go over to Niall's bed and shake him and I try to say loudly "Niall wake up" but all that came out is a hoarse whisper. I give up talking and I shake Niall vigorously to try and rouse him from sleep.

Niall wakes up. "I'm up Liam stop shaking me" I nod not wanting to talk and I get myself ready for the day. Niall comes up behind me and feels my forehead. I try to smack his hand away but he holds both of my hands in his other. "You feel warm Liam, are you feeling ok?" I nod. Niall looks at me suspiciously. I say "Stop looking at me like that Nialler" I say hoarsely and Niall gasps "Liam does your throat hurt" I nod and I start crying due to the pain I have when I talk. Niall pulls me into a hug and he rubs my back. "Li calm down. You're ok" I slowly start to calm down and I say hoarsely "My throat hurts"

Niall's pov

I feel bad for Liam because he sounds like he is in a lot of pain "Li don't talk ok. I will get you the whiteboard so you can write down what you want to say yeah." He nods and I go over to Liam's backpack and grab out the whiteboard that we use if anyone gets a sore throat. I hand it to Liam and I ask him "Does anything else hurt?" He scribbles down something and turns it around. It says my head hurts. I give him some paracetamol and some water to relieve the headache. He swallows the tablet and winces. I ask him "Are you ok?" He shakes his head and scribbles down something on the whiteboard and turns it around and it says. 'It hurts to swallow.' I pull Liam into a hug and I rub his back "Oh Li do you think you will be able to sing tonight?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Let's take your temperature" Liam nods and I take his temperature, which is 38.3. "Come on Li let's go down to see the others yeah?" He shakes his head. I sigh and ask "Why not?" He says "I am not hungry." He whimpers. "Use the whiteboard if you want to talk" he nods. "Let's go down to the others and you don't have to eat if you don't want to but I would like you to try ok." He nods and we go down to the restaurant.

We go down to the restaurant and Louis looks up "There is two more, we are just waiting on Zayn now. Are you ok Liam?" He shrugs. I say "He has a sore throat" Liam glares at me and I respond "They would have found out sooner or later" he sits down and buries his face in his arms on the table. I sigh and sit down next to him and I rub his back. He looks at me and grabs the whiteboard and scribbles down something and turns it around and it reads 'My throat hurt and my head hurts and I am tired. I just wanna sleep' I say to him "Do you want to eat something?" He shakes his head and scribbles down 'I feel sick' I say to him "Do you think you will be sick" he shakes his head and rests his head back on his arms. Harry asks "Is Liam alright? I shake my head "He says he feels sick but doesn't feel like he is going to be sick." Zayn comes down followed by Louis "Louis woke me up" I shake my head and say "Zayn we need to get going soon so we need to have breakfast" Zayn looks over at me and looks at Liam "Is Liam ok?" I sigh and say "He has a sore throat and feels sick" Zayn's eyes widens "He can't be sick we are so busy this week" I nod my head and I look at Liam. "I know"

When Paul comes to pick them up still Niall's pov

"Hey Paul" We all say but Liam who writes it down. Paul looks confused "Why is Liam writing instead of talking?" I sigh again for the 100th time that morning "Liam has a sore throat and he says that he feels sick" Paul looks at Liam "Do you think that you will be able to sing tonight?" Liam shrugs his shoulders and says forgetting about the whiteboard "I will try" I see the tears in Liam's eyes. "Li don't talk if it hurts" he nods and we get into the van and as soon as we sit down Liam buries his face in my shoulder and he falls asleep. "He is definitely not right. I am going to search up his symptoms" The others agree and I look up the symptoms that Liam is having and one of the top results is tonsillitis. "Liam could have tonsillitis" Louis looks at Liam sympathetically "I have had tonsillitis before. It is horrible. Poor Liam"

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