Liam hurt whilst filming live forever

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Liam's pov

We are filming live forever with cheat codes. We are on the second day and I am stood on some rocks. I finish shooting that bit and I decide it is a good idea to jump off the rock. I land funny on my leg and I fall. I feel my leg snap. Kevin comes over to me and says "You alright?" I nod and he helps me up. I can't put any weight on my left leg without loads of pain. Matthew says "Are you sure you are alright. You can't put any weight on your left side" I nod again and say "Let's finish the music video" Dahl says "Are you sure you are alright to finish the video" I nod and say "Let's finish it then I will rest I promise" they nod we finish shooting the video.

I regret finishing the music video. My leg really hurts. As soon as the director yells "That's a wrap I fall to the floor holding my leg in pain trying not to cry. I hear Kevin saying "Liam are you alright?" I nod and Matthew says "Do you think you can walk?" I shake my head and I feel Matthew and Kevin lifting me up. I look up and see Dahl opening my dressing room door and holding it open for us. Matthew and Kevin puts me down on the sofa and I grab my phone. I say "I'm going to call Harry to come and pick me up" they nod and I ring Harry.

Harry picks up after the second ring and says "Hey babe. Are you ready to be picked up?" I say "Yeah. I was a bit of an idiot earlier and I think I have broken my leg. My leg really hurts Harry." Harry says "I'll be there in a few minutes babe." I nod and say "Alright. Please hurry" Harry says "I will see you soon" I say "See you soon"

About ten minutes later Harry walks through the door and sits down next to me. He takes my hand and says "What leg hurts babe?" I say trying not to cry "My left leg Hazzy" Harry pulls me into a hug and says "We will get you checked out yeah" I nod and Harry helps me up and takes most of my weight on him. He then says to the boys of cheat codes "Thank you for looking after him" they say "Your welcome." Harry helps me out to his car.

Harry's pov

I help Liam out to my car. I help him in my car and say "Come on then babe. Let's get you checked out at the hospital" Liam nods and I get in and drive to the closest hospital. When we get there we get taken straight back into a private room since I called ahead. We are waiting for a doctor. A couple of minutes later a doctor walks through the door and says "Hello boys. How may I help you?" I say "Liam fell and I think he has broken his leg" the doctor nods and asks "Liam what leg did you hurt?" Liam responds "My left one" the doctor nods and asks "Can I have a look at your leg quickly" Liam nods and lifts his leg up and the doctor gently feels Liam's leg. Liam whimpers and starts crying when the doctor gently touches where the most swelling is. I take his hand and he buries his face in my neck. The doctor says "I think his leg is broken. We need to do an x-ray to find out properly though" I nod and we get taken down to x-ray.

After the x-ray still Harry's pov

We get taken back to the room we were originally in and Liam is still crying but silently. I pull him into a gentle hug and say "Hey babe. You are alright." He says "My leg really hurts Hazzy" he starts sobbing I say "Once the doctor comes back in the room I will see if you can get some pain killers" Liam nods. About five minutes later the doctor comes back in and says "His leg is broken. He will need a cast." I ask "Before he has the cast put on could he please have some pain killers" the doctor nods and says "Of course" the doctor gives Liam some pain killers then waits a while. Then the doctor says "Are you ready for the cast now?" Liam nods and the doctor puts on the cast.

After the cast gets put on the doctor says "You will need to come back in 6 weeks to get his cast off" I nod and say "Alright thank you" I take Liam back to my car and I drive home.

Once we are home I see that Liam is asleep. I go round to his door and I carefully open it. I carry Liam up to the house and into our bedroom. I cuddle with him and fall asleep myself.

6 weeks later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after 6 weeks and he thanked Harry for looking after him whilst he had a cast on.

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