Liam hurt whilst filming for you

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Liam's pov

We are filming my third solo music video. I am filming with Rita Ora for our fifty shades of freed song for you. We have finished filming and I am starting to walk downstairs. I miss a step and I fall I put my hands out to catch myself at the bottom of the stairs and I feel my left wrist snap. I bite my lip and slowly use my right hand to help me up. I hold my wrist to my chest. Rita comes over and asks "You alright Liam? You took quite the tumble there" I nod not making eye contact with anyone.

Once we are allowed to go back to the dressing room. I leave and walk to my dressing room. I grab my phone in my good hand and I manage to unlock my phone. I quickly find Harry's number and I call him trying not to cry. Harry answers and says "Hi babe. I'm on my way to pick you up." I say "Hazza I fell down some stairs" I hear Harry's panicked voice "Babe are you alright?" I shake my head but then remember that he can't see and say "No I landed funny on my arm and now my wrist really hurts Hazzy." I hear Harry say "Oh babe. I'll be with you in ten minutes alright." I nod and respond "Alright" Harry then says "Li I'm going to go babe. I need to focus on driving" I say "Alright see you soon." Harry says "See you soon." He ends the call and I hold my wrist with my hand in pain.

A couple of minutes later I hear a knock on my dressing room door. I say "Come in." Rita comes in and says "Are you sure you are alright Liam?" I shrug and say "I hurt my arm when I landed" Rita nods and says "That suit probably isn't helping" I nod and carefully manage to take off my suit jacket. I try to undo the button on my sleeve of my shirt but it hurts because I press down on my wrist. I bite my lip to not cry out in pain and Rita asks "Would you like some help?" I nod and she carefully undoes the button on my shirt sleeve.

I gently roll up my sleeve and Rita gasps and says "Liam your wrist is swollen badly." I look at my wrist and see that it is almost double the size of my right wrist. I look away from Rita and a tear slips down my face. I hear the door open and Harry asking "Is he alright?" I hear Rita say "His left wrist is swollen. I would take him to the hospital to get it checked out." I look up at Harry and he gently pulls me into a hug. I whisper "My wrist really hurts Hazzy." I start crying quietly into his shoulder.

Harry's pov

I gently rub Liam's back as he starts crying. I say to him "Oh babe. We will get you sorted at the hospital yeah." I feel Liam nod against my shoulder and I say to Rita "Thank you for looking after him" Rita nods and says "Your welcome. Get him to the hospital" I nod and say to Liam "Do you think you can walk for me babe?" Liam nods and I take his good hand and I lead him to where my car is. I help him to sit in the passenger seat and help him to strap in. I say to him "We will get you sorted as soon as possible" Liam nods.

I drive us to the hospital. Once we are there we get taken straight back into a privet ward since I rang ahead. The nurse that brought us in says "A doctor will be along shortly." I nod and the nurse leaves the room. Liam leans his head on my shoulder. I gently kiss his forehead and say to him "How do you feel Liam?" Liam shrugs and the doctor comes in. The doctor says "Hello boys. What can I do for you?" Liam looks up at me and I say "Liam fell down some stairs after he finished shooting his music video and he landed funny on his wrist and it is really quite swollen." The doctor nods and says "Liam could I have a look at your wrist please" Liam nods and sticks out his left wrist and grabs hold of my hand.

The doctor gently feels around Liam's wrist and Liam grips hold of my hand tightly. The doctor says "I think his wrist is broken. I'm going to get an x-ray sorted for him and we will see how broken his wrist is." I nod and the doctor leaves the room. After a couple of minutes we get taken down to the X-ray room and I get told to stand behind a screen.

After the x-ray still Harry's pov

The doctor has given Liam some strong pain killers and he is starting to fall asleep. We are waiting for the results of the x-ray to come back. I say to Liam "Li babe you need to try and stay awake for me just incase you need a cast on" Liam whines but nods. Two minutes later the doctor walks back in the room and says "His wrist is broken. I am going to put a cast on his wrist" I nod and say to Liam "Li stay awake for a few more minutes." Liam nods and the doctor says "I'm going to put the cast on now" I nod and Liam sticks has arm out for the doctor to put the cast on. The doctor quickly puts the cast on Liam's arm and says "You will need to come back in 8 weeks to get your cast off. You are free to go now" I nod and thank the doctor and I help Liam up and I lead him to my car.

I help him into my car and I help him to strap in. I get in the drivers side and I strap myself in. I say to Liam "You can get some sleep now babe." Liam nods and leans his head on the window. He closes his eyes. I start to drive off.

Once we are home I get out of the car. I walk around to Liam's side and I carefully open the door and I carefully unstrap him. I gently lift him up and some how manage to shut the car door and lock it. I carry Liam up to the house and I carefully manage to unlock the door. I carry Liam to the sofa and I lay him on the sofa. I gently take off his shoes. I take my shoes off and I take them both to the shoe rack. I go back to Liam and gently lift his head and I sit down. I put his head down on my lap and I gently smooth his hair.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam got his cast off after 8 weeks and he felt much better. Liam thanked Harry for looking after him.

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