Liam broken arm (request)

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Requested by 1D_luvs_spoons

Liam's pov

We have just finished our take me home tour. It is just me and Harry are home right now. Louis is on a date with Eleanor. Niall and Zayn are both out with their own friends from home. I am quite glad it is just me and Harry home alone because we haven't had any time just the two of us in a long time except when we were awake later cuddling in the main area of the bus.

"LIAM. Are you coming?" I hear Harry call "I'm just coming" I say back to him. I start to go downstairs but I am not paying attention to what I am doing and I miss a step and fall down the rest of them landing on my right arm. I feel it snap underneath me. I bite my tongue to not make any noise of pain. Harry rushes in and says "Li babe are you ok? You fell down the stairs" I say "I'm fine." Harry extends his hand to help me up. I accept it and he helps me up. We go into the living room.

When we sit down Harry pulls me to his chest and my bad arm gets crushed between us. I move into a more comfortable position and cradle my arm to my chest. Harry plays Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. We both decided to watch the Harry Potter series. About three quarters through the movie Harry says to me "Li are you sure you are ok babe? You look like you are in pain" I shrug and I feel my bottom lip trembling. I say "My arm hurts. I landed on it funny" Harry says to me "Babe sit up for a minute" I nod and sit up. Harry says "Can I roll up your sleeve or take off your jumper?" I say quietly "Can you take off my jumper it will hurt to roll up my sleeve" Harry nods and carefully pulls of my jumper. I whimper as Harry gently grab the arm I am keeping close to my chest he says "I'm sorry babe" he gasps and says "Liam your arm is so swollen. We need to get you to a hospital" I shake my head "No hospital" Harry says "Li I know you don't like hospitals but you need to go. You'll cause your arm more damage if you don't go" I start crying and Harry says "Li I know babe" he runs his fingers through my hair

Harry's pov

I hate it when Liam cries. I know he is in so much pain but he refuses to go near a hospitals even if he is in so much pain or he is really sick. I know he has had some bad experiences with hospitals in his childhood. I slowly stand up taking Liam with me. I walk to the car and I think Liam knows where I am taking him because he says "No Harry I don't wanna go." I say to him "You need to go. I'm sorry babe." He says "Can't you fix me?" I say "If I could I would. But you need a medical professional. I may not be a medical professional but I know your arm is broken. We are going to the hospital" he starts sobbing and he tries to escape. I tightened my grip on him but not enough to hurt him more "Harry I don't wanna go" I pray silently that someone will come home soon. I try and get Liam in the car but he shakes his head and tenses up. I am glad that this is a privet property with no neighbours near otherwise they might think I am trying to kidnap him.

I see a car pull up in the drive and Niall gets out. "what's going on hear." Liam says still crying "Niall don't let me go" he says "Don't let you go where Liam?" I say before Liam could "He needs to go to the hospital. He fell down the stairs and most likely broke his arm." Niall nods and we both put Liam in the car and I strap him in. I shut his door and both Niall and I get in the car. I start the engine and we drive to the hospital.

At the hospital still Harry's pov

We are now at the hospital. Liam's sobs calms down to sniffles. I hope he goes in alright. He probably won't though. I say "Li we are at the hospital." As soon as I say that Liam starts crying. I sigh and say "Li babe let's go in a get this over with. He shakes his head vigorously. I get out of the car and go round to Liam's side. Niall is already there and trying to open the door. I unlock the car with the keys and Niall opens the door. I unstrap Liam but he grips the seatbelt with his left hand. I gently pry his hands off the seatbelt and I spin him around to look at me. Niall says to me "I'll go and start to sign him in" I nod and say to Liam "Li you need to calm down I don't want you in pain babe. So we need to go and see the doctor. I gently pull him up and walk with him into the hospital.

I take Liam into the waiting room and I look round for Niall. I see him sitting on the chairs furthest away from the door. I take Liam over to him and I sit down next to him and Liam curls up on my lap he whimpers and says "I don't wanna be here" I say "I know you don't babe. I'll be with you though" he nods against my chest.

About ten minutes later a doctor comes out and says "Liam Payne" I stand up and take Liam's hand and we walk over to the doctor. The doctor takes Liam into the room and he says "What happened?" Liam looks up at me. He grips my top and hides his face in my chest. I say "He fell down the stairs when he was coming down them." The doctor nods and says "Liam could I have a look at your arm?" Liam shakes his head against my chest. I gently pull his right arm towards the doctor and the doctor takes his hand and examines his arm. Liam whimpers in pain when he touches where there is the most swelling. "Did that hurt Liam?" He nods and the doctor nods and says "I'm sorry. Your arm is definitely broken. We need to x-ray it so I will get a radiologist in and an x-ray room set up." I nod

After the x-ray still Harry's pov

The doctor comes back in the room and says "Liam you have broken your arm in two places. You don't need a surgery since both breaks aren't too bad. You will be in a cast for 8 weeks then you will need to come back" I nod and the doctor says "Liam do you want to choose the colour of your cast?" He nods and looks at the colours he could have "Purple" the doctor nods and and puts the cast on Liam's arm.

8 weeks later no one's pov

Liam got his cast off and is feeling much better and always pays attention when he is going downstairs

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Where stories live. Discover now