Liam nightmare (Request)

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Requested by- KALEYBOURQUE2

Prompt- Liam is having nightmares and the other boys help him. They are all dating
Liam's pov in the dream

I am sat alone in the living room when Louis, Harry, Zayn and Niall all walk in looking serious and mad. Louis says harshly "Liam we need to talk" I nod scared at his tone because I have never heard him use that tone with anyone except management. Louis says in the same tone as before "I don't think this is working out with you in our relationship. We have found someone else that is much better than you. We are kicking you out of the relationship and the band. We will give you two days to pack" I feel the tears welling up in my eyes and I say "Please don't kick me out of the band" Harry says "You can't sing why would we keep you in the band" Zayn says "Yeah Liam. We only dated you out of pity and only kept you in the band for pity too" I look at Niall and he glares at me. That is all I need before I start crying. Niall snaps at me "Oh don't cry you knew that this would happen. Why would any of us love someone like you. Go and pack and get out of our lives." I run upstairs sobbing. I go in the guest room and fall on the bed sobbing my eyes out. How could they do this to me?

Outside of the dream still Liam's pov

I wake up from my dream crying. I look around and I am in our shared room but alone. I know the boys went out for a night out but I said I was tired I have had that same dream for ages and it always feels so real. The boys don't know about my nightmare. I know the boys are only dating me for pity and they probably will find someone better at the bar. I turn on my stomach and start sobbing hard into the pillow. About five minutes later I feel four different hands on my back rubbing four different circles on my back. I look up and start crying harder seeing the boys. They all pull me into a group hug. I try to pull away not knowing if this is a dream or real.

Niall's pov just before they find Liam crying

We have just walked into the house. We all kick off our shoes and we start to make our way up the stairs with me in front. About half way up the stairs I stop hearing Liam's heartbreaking sobs. I say "Can you hear that?" Harry says "Hear what?" I say "Liam is crying" we all run up the rest of the stairs and we all go into our shared room. We see the heartbreaking site of our insecure and innocent boyfriend sobbing into the pillow so violently that his whole body and the bed is shaking with the force of his sobs. We all sit on the bed and all put a hand on Liam's back all rubbing soothing circles on his back. He looks up at us and starts sobbing more. We all pull him into a group hug. He tries to pull away but we hold on tighter and Louis says to him in a soft tone that he saved for Liam "Li babe, what's the matter?" He cries more and starts gaging. I say "Liam baby calm down you are going to make yourself sick babe" I hum some gentle tunes to him and he slowly calms down and he is sniffling with the occasional hiccup.

Harry says "Li can you tell us why you were crying like that babe?" Liam shakes his head and looks away from us. Zayn says "Why not babe?" Liam shrugs and keeps looking away from us. Louis says in a soft tone that he usually saves for Liam "Li we are worried about you." At the tone Liam starts crying slightly and says "I had a nightmare. You all were mean to me. You cheated on me and and and you kicked me out of the band and the relationship in my nightmare. I don't wanna go" Zayn says "Li we would never cheat on you. You are the light in our lives. We all love you so so so much." Harry says "Is that why you have distanced yourself from us?" Liam nods and Harry says "Why didn't you tell us Liam?" Liam says sounding broken "I thought it was true. I don't see why it isn't true. I can't sing, I am ugly, I am fat. I don't know why you love me so much. I shouldn't be loved" Louis says softly "Li I don't know who told all those things but who ever did. They are so far from the truth. You have the voice of an angel, you are far from ugly. You are so beautiful, and you are not fat. You are perfect the way you are babe. Please let us know if you ever feel like that again and I will kick the bum of whoever tells you all those lies again" Liam smiles a little and says "You don't hate me or going to kick me out of the relationship or the band" I say "Liam we could never dream of kicking you out of the band or the relationship because we all love you. You are the light of all of our lives and I hate to tell you this babe but you are stuck with us for a while because we are never let you go" Liam smiles big and says "I love all of you boys too. I don't mind being stuck to you guys. Thank you" we all say to him "Your welcome babe"

A few weeks later no one's pov

The boys hasn't left Liam's side since they found out about the dream and whenever he has the dream they are all there to reassure him that they are never going to leave him or kick him out or cheat on him.

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