Kid Liam deaf part 2 (Reqest)

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Requested by- anonymous

Prompt- part two of Liam deaf

Louis- 7
Niall- 7
Harry- 6
Zayn- 6

Liam's pov

I have been at my new school for about 3 months now. My friends are really nice. Louis is still a bit loud but that is just his personality and I am used to him now. Niall has been the one I am the closest to since he is almost always in. There are days that Louis, Harry and Zayn are off sick. Niall is normally in and he helps me. The others also helps me especially when the older children are picking on me.

Today most of the class is off with a stomach bug. Including all of my friends. I am very lost without them. It is lunch time and I am trying to avoid all the other children. Especially the older children. I am looking around the playground. Making sure that no one is coming up to me. I don't see anyone come up behind me until it is too late. I get pushed down. I bump my forehead on the concrete.

I look round and I see the older student that took my hearing aid out when I first started. I just about hear "Where are your friends now to protect you?" I sign 'please leave me alone. Please' the older student laughs and I back up to against the fence. I hope a teacher comes soon. As the older student comes over the bell goes. I hear the student say just about "You are lucky go get out of my sight." I stand up and I slowly walk away but before I can get too far the student trips me up. I fall on my face. I stand up with tears in my eyes. I walk to my class. I put my hand on my forehead and I pull my hand away and see blood. I whimper because my head hurts. The teacher opens the door and lets us in. She looks at me and signs 'Liam what happened? Why is your head bleeding' I sign 'the older child pushed me down then tripped me over when I was walking to class' tears roll down my face and I sign 'I want my mummy' the teacher nods and signs 'Mummy will be here soon. We need to get you to the nurse' I nod and she gets the TA to watch the class whilst she takes me to the school nurse.

When I am at the school nurse I hear the teacher say "This is Liam Payne. He got pushed down by an older pupil and then tripped over and he has a bleeding head. He also has cochlear implants as well" I see the nurse nod and my teacher signs to me 'You'll be alright here Liam. The nurse will clean your head up then call your mummy' I nod and sign 'Thank you' my teacher leaves the room and the nurse says to me "Hello Liam. Let's have a look at your head" I nod and sign 'I want my mummy' the nurse nods and signs back 'I'll call your mummy when I finish checking your head and cleaning up the cut' I nod and the nurse grabs out an antiseptic wipe and some gloves. The nurse puts the gloves on her hands and opens the antiseptic wipe. She gently cleans up my head and I feel tears roll down my face. Once she is done the nurse signs 'hold this on your head and I'll call your mummy yeah' I nod and sign back "I want my mummy' the nurse nods and I hold the tissue that the nurse was holding to my head to my own head and the nurse goes over to her desk.

The nurse taps some buttons on the phone and she puts the phone to her ear. I don't hear what she is saying but I can see her lips move so I hope she is talking to my mummy. After a couple of minutes the nurse puts the phone down and signs 'Your mummy will be here in ten minutes' I nod.

Karen's pov after the call ends

I go to my boss and say concerned "Is it alright if I can go and get my son from school? He has been tripped over and he has a rather nasty cut on his forehead. I have almost finished my work that I needed to get done." My boss says "Isn't there someone else that can collect him?" I shake my head and say "I'm a single mum and my parents live in Wolverhampton" my boss nods and says "Go on then. Will you be back in tomorrow?" I say "Probably. I will let you know as soon as I know though." My boss says "Alright now go and pick Liam up I'm sure he is desperate to see you" I nod and say "Thank you so much."

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