Liam hurt whilst filming midnight memories

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Liam's pov

We have almost finished shooting midnight memories. We have a few more scenes to shoot then we are finished. One of the scenes we have to jump into a police boat. As I get on I trip and twist my ankle and fall over. Harry helps me up and says "You alright Liam?" I nod and Niall jumps on as we start to speed off. Niall looks at me and says "You alright babe?" I nod and Harry says "He tripped and twisted his ankle as he got on the boat" I glare at Harry and Niall says "Li babe is your ankle alright?" I nod and limp over to where we need to be.

Niall's pov

Me and Harry look at each other and I say "We need to keep an eye on him" Harry nods in agreement and we go out as well. When we go out we start filming again and we are all going for it.

Once we have finished filming that scene we go up to the top of the bridge and we shoot the scene up there before we have finished completely. I say to Liam "How's your ankle babe?" Liam shrugs and looks at me. I see the tears that are welling up in his eyes. I gently pull Liam into a hug and I rub his back. He whispers to me "My ankle hurts so much Niall" I rub his back as I feel tears on my neck. I gently kiss his head and say to him "Oh Li baby. Let's get you to the hospital yeah babe" Liam nods.

I take him down to the van and I say to Paul "We need to get to the hospital Liam has hurt his ankle" Paul nods and we all get into the van. I gently take off Liam's left shoe and sock and he whimpers in pain. I look at Liam's ankle and see that his ankle is swollen and say "Ouch babe. No wonder you are in so much pain" Liam whimpers again and he starts crying. He buries his face in my shoulder. I gently rub his back

We drive to the hospital. Once we are there I take Liam in and the nurses takes us straight through since we called ahead so they knew we were coming. A couple of minutes later a doctor walks in and says "Hello boys I am doctor wright. Could I have a look at your ankle Liam?" Liam nods and the doctor checks Liam's ankle.

The doctor says "I would like to have an X-ray I don't think your ankle is broken but I just want to make sure" we both nod and we get taken down to the X-ray room.

After the X-ray still Niall's pov

We are just waiting for the doctor to come in and let us know. Liam looks exhausted and I feel so bad for him. The doctor comes back in and says "His ankle isn't broken. It is just sprained we are going to put a boot on for 6 weeks. He will need to use crutches for the first 3 weeks then he should be able to walk around normally without his crutches" I nod and the doctor puts the boot on Liam.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam felt much better once his boot came off. He thanked Niall for taking care of him whilst he was in the boot

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