Liam blind (Request)

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Prompt- where Liam is blind because a fan through something at him and he gets help from all of the boys.

Requested by- LisaW00 and KALEYBOURQUE2

Liam's pov

We are half way though our take me home tour. We are in the middle of a concert and fans are throwing stuff on stage and it gets really annoying at times. I am running along the stage and someone throws something sharp at me and it hits me in the left eye. I close my eye and cover it with my hand in pain. I then feel something sharp hit me in the right eye. I close that eye and put my hand over my eye.

I feel someone lead me towards the back of the stage. I hear Harry say to me "Li buddy can you open your eyes for me" I shake my head. I feel him take my hands away from my eyes and he says "Buddy please try and open you eyes for me." I try but my eyes hurt as I barely open my eyes. I say "I can't Haz. My eyes hurt too much" I feel tears running down my face. I feel Harry pulling me into a hug and he says "Li buddy I need to see your eyes. Can you please try for me" I shake my head keeping my eyes tight shut. Harry pulls back slightly and gently tries to open one of my eyes. I whimper and say "Harry stop it hurts." I again feel tears rolling down my face. Harry sighs and says to me "I'm going to lead you off stage then. You need to have someone look at your eyes" I nod and feel Harry leading me off the stage.

Harry's pov

I take Liam off stage and take him into the dressing room and sit him on the sofa. I say to Liam "I'm going to go and get you help alright" Liam says "No Harry don't leave me." I sit next to him and pull him to my side "Why not buddy? I need to get you help" Liam responds "I'm scared don't leave me Hazzy. Please don't leave me" he starts crying. Paul comes in the dressing room followed by some paramedics. Paul says to me "Management wants you back on stage." I say "I can't leave him like this. He's terrified" Paul nods and says "I know Harry. Don't worry I won't let management anywhere near him." I nod and Paul gently moves Liam off of me Liam says tearfully "Hazzy don't go." I say "I'll be right back Liam. I promise"

I go back out on stage and Niall comes over to me. He asks "How's Liam?" I shrug and say "Paul and the paramedics are with him at the moment. He can't open his eyes." Niall hugs me and says "He'll be alright. He is a fighter" I nod and we finish the concert.

Paul's pov

The paramedics are trying to get Liam to open his eyes. I take his hand as he manages to open his eyes. He says panicking slightly "I can't see anything. I can't see" One of the paramedics comes over and says "Is everything alright?" I respond "Liam says he can't see anything" the paramedic nods and says "Liam I would like you to follow my light with your eyes." The paramedic shines the light into his eyes but he doesn't respond to it. The paramedic says "We need to get an eye specialist in here. I think he could be blind. Don't know whether it is permanent or temporary though." As Liam hears that he starts crying and he gets up and tries to run out of the room but he runs straight into a wall instead of out of the door. He falls to the floor sobbing. I go over to him and gently lift him up. He just lays there in my arms sobbing. I carry him over to the sofa and gently place Liam on the sofa.

The paramedic holds a tissue to Liam's nose and gently tilts his head down. Liams sobs has now become silent with the occasional shaky breath or whimper. I gently rub his back to hopefully provide him with comfort but I know he is going to hate being blind. A couple of minutes later I look up hearing the door open. I see Harry, Louis, Niall and Zayn walk in.

Harry's pov

After the concert has finished we all rush backstage. I instantly go into the dressing room that we were in before and see Liam with his eyes open whilst a paramedic holds a tissue to his nose and he has tears slowly making their way down Liam's face and Paul trying to comfort him Paul looks up at us as we walk into the room.

I ask Paul "What happened? I thought it was his eyes" Paul says "It is his eyes. Liam managed to open his eyes when you were on stage. He couldn't see anything though. The paramedic shined a light into his eyes but he didn't respond to it. He did not take the news of being blind well at all. He tried to run out of the room but ran into a wall instead. They don't know if it is temporary blindness or permanent blindness." I nod and look at the boys Zayn says "He is not leaving the band." Louis adds "We wouldn't be one direction without him" Niall says "We will help him" I smile.

I sit on Liam's other side. I put a hand on his knee and the paramedic takes the tissue off Liam's nose. The paramedic gently lifts up his head and says "Your nose has stopped bleeding now. We will get an eye specialist in here now" we all nod and I gently push some of Liam's hair out of his face. I say to him "We will all help you buddy" he turns his head towards me and says tearfully "I'm blind Hazza. I'm blind and there is nothing to help me" I pull him into a hug as he starts sobbing. He starts to sob into my shoulder. I just rub his back. I see Niall gently taking one of his hands. Louis taking the other and Zayn placing a comforting hand on Liam's knee. Niall says to him "We are all here for you Liam. No one is going to kick you out or hurt you in any way" Liam nods and soon his sobs turns to sniffles. He pulls back and wipes his eyes. He says "I'm sorry" I ask "Why are you sorry for?" He shrugs and says "I don't know. I'm just sorry. I hate that I can't see anything."

After a few minutes someone walks into the room and says "Hello I'm Doctor Emma Wright. I am the eye specialist come to have a look at Liam's eyes. Which one of you is Liam." I point to Liam and she comes over to us. She says to Liam "Hello Liam. I'm Doctor Emma Wright. I am going to check your eyes alright." Liam nods and grips onto louis' and Niall's hands whilst resting on my chest and Zayn still had his hand on Liam's knee. Emma takes a look at Liam's eyes and says. "I have my machine that will take a photo of Liam's eyes. We will need the room to be as dark as possible and he will need to sit up" I nod and gently sit Liam up but I keep a hand on his back.

Paul shuts the curtains and turns off the light so that she could get a picture of Liam's eyes. Once she has finished and the pictures are ready she takes a look at the pictures. Liam is back laying against my chest. Emma says "His retina is quite damaged. From what I can see I don't think it will recover on ether eye." Liam starts crying again and asks "Will I be blind forever?" Emma responds "Unfortunately yes. I'm so sorry." Liam turns his head into my neck and sobs he mutters "What am I gonna do. I don't wanna give this up" I say to him "You don't have to buddy. We will help you" I feel Liam nod against my neck and soon I hear his breathing even out as he falls asleep.

A couple of minutes later management comes in the room and says "Well what's the verdict?" Louis says "He is blind. The fan damaged both of his retinas and the eye specialist said that they are more than likely not going to heal they are too damaged." One of the managers says "Well then he needs to leave." We all look at each other and I see Louis holding Niall back. Everyone is surprised when Zayn says "We are not kicking Liam out. It isn't his fault that he is now blind. He cried himself to sleep thinking that he would be kicked out. We can't do that to him." I smile proud of Zayn since normally he doesn't like to confront management. I say "It's true. We will help him. He is so upset" management glares and Niall says "If Liam goes we all go. We are not one direction without him" Louis nods and says "It's true. I know you make a lot of money off us. You don't want to loose that do you. Like Niall said if you kick Liam out we will all leave" management says "Fine he can stay." I say "We are also sending out an official statement saying not to throw anything on stage as it cost us Liam's sight." Management nods and I log into the one direction Twitter page.

I start a new tweet saying 'At tonight's show in Dallas on 22nd July one of the fans threw something that was sharp twice both times hitting Liam in each eye. Liam has now lost his sight. He can't see. He is blind. His retina is damaged permanently in both of his eyes. He is going to continue with one direction. We wouldn't be one direction without him. Please don't throw anything sharp or not on stage. It cost Liam his sight. There is going to have to be some changes to the set so it is safe for Liam as he can't see and his safety is our top priority at the moment. Please don't throw anything on stage. Thanks Harry' I post the tweet and soon there is loads of comments and retweets

A few weeks later no one's pov

All of the boys helped Liam out over the next few weeks as he get used to being blind and used to the mobility cane which he uses to get around independently but he does get a lot of help from the other boys. The fans hasn't thrown anything on stage so far.

Liam Payne sickflicks (Requests open)Where stories live. Discover now